This is probably the best kit I have ever made, seriously. Nice big pack (100g) of dry hops supplied in the kit (no hop bag or anything like that though), and a really nice big packet of yeast (was something like 20/22g I think). I really like kits that come with the LME/Wort in a bag, and this is another one. I'm starting to wonder if it's the metal in the tins that cause homebrew twang?
Made it on the 14/10/2017, rehydrating the supplied yeast at 30 degrees C, pitching at 28 degrees C. Massive Krausen and nice and vigorous. OG 1.057
2/11/2017 SG was down to 1.015. Tasting the trial jar it was nice and very very bitter, but not overly hoppy yet (obviously). Strong alcohol taste detectable.
Supplied dry hops went in loose on 9/11/2017, SG was still 1.015, dry hops went into the primary FV this time around.
12/11/2017 SG was down to 1.010, so it would seem that the hops kicked off a secondary fermentation. :lol: Possibly wort wasn't quite aerated enough in the beginning.
17/11/2017 SG was still 1.010, so moved to bottling bucket where batch primed then bottled.
27/11/2017 Tried my first bottle (I couldn't resist!). Obviously it's still fairly young, but oh my has it made a lovely beer! Served at room temperature, it had an incredibly juicy, fruity, aroma and flavour with a touch of sweetness to it. I've seen it compared to Punk IPA, but I'd say it's not that similar to be honest. Not sure what I would compare it to to be honest, as I've not had an AIPA quite as juicy and fruity as this one (only really tried a few of the Brewdog ones before to be honest). It has time to change though, so who knows? I would 100% brew this again, if I hadn't made the move to AG brewing that is. :thumb: As I said, the best kit I've made with no need to tweak, swap yeast etc. Properly earns the premium price tag.