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Finally got round to doing the malt miller Idaho 7 recipe I got in ages ago just before new year, another newish dad struggling to find time to get it in, but am trying to find the best way to become as efficient as possible, went BIAB in my grainfather, terrible efficiency on it, but forced me to clean all my gear and dust off the proverbial cobwebs.
Helicopter Pale Ale
4600g MO
200g Melanoidin
200g Carapils
25g Columbus @60m
15g Chinook @15 m
25g Chinook @ whirlpool 20m @ 85C
CML Clipper
Must do this recipe again. I've got my home grown Chinook hops to use too. It'll be interesting to see how they are compared to the American ones.
Busy brewing a bock. Taking some time to do a dickmaish decoction, and then a dunnmaisch decoction. Doesn't need to be boiled today, that is for tomorrow.
First brew this year, Best Bitter Ella and EKG hops.
Vorlauf until running clear.
Squeeze the basket for another 2.5 litres
A good old fashioned Bitter.
In descending order of quantity...
Maris Otter Pale
Oats ( because I'd run out of Flaked Barley)
Crystal Malt and
Roast Barley
First Gold and Golding 60 mins (only Goldings here as I'd run out of First Gold!)
Goldings 30 mins and Bobeck Goldings 15 mins. Irish Moss.
O.G 1040 which is about right.
Using Safale 04
Given my substitutions to a well tried recipe " Failing to plan is planning to fail' comes to mind🤪
Should be ok though...
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First brew of 2023 is a CML LandLord Clone kit (only difference from the Graham Wheeler recipe is this one has some torrified wheat). S9 far brew day has gone smoothly, just waiting for the mash to complete.
Mid-brew day on a black IPA.

4kg Maris Otter
300g Carafa III
300g Munich I
300g Rye malt
300g Torrefied barley

45g Chinook @ 30 min (I only do 30 min boils)
30g Mosaic and Citra 30 min whirlpool
56g Mosaic and Citra 7 day dry hop

#M44 yeast

73% efficiency so far. 1 point over my target post-mash SG. Just waiting for the boil to get going.
just boiling my first lager, well an IPL to be precise.
It's an AG kit from BrewUK but I was a bit disappointed with the hops supplied.
The recipe said no boil additions, just 4g Simcoe and 4g Ekuanot at FO and 8g Mosaic and 4g Ekuanot as a dry hop. So not much IP to go with the L!
So I've added 15g Columbus @ 60 mins to give 28 IBU and I'll add some Azacca at FO and dry hop too as I read that it goes well with the other hops.
Can't stop fiddling!
Wilko First Gold IPA Kit (40 pints)
used half of the can, 750g wort and 500g granulated sugar, water to 11 litres, used Safale S-04 yeast instead of kit yeast; and only just remembered didn't take the SG, ah well.

Kit also provides a small sachet of hop pellets which are due to be added after 4 days. I'll use the lot.

The other half of the wort to go in the fridge for the next brew - might even use this for one of the "Kitchen Brewing" recipes.
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22 litres of Five Points Bitter (Second brew in my new AIO).
3600g MO
200g Crystal 40L
200g Torrefied wheat
200g Biscuit malt
50g @60m, 20g @15m, 30g @ whirlpool 85C for 20m
Gervin yeast
OG 1046 BHE 75%


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