Beavertown Smog Rocket. Lovely.
an extract beer - we'll wheat again - very refereshing for 7.35%
delerium nocturnum - 75ml bottle 8.5%
and an extract with specialty grain & candi sugar & maple syrup Belgian dark ale. 9.3%
and the delerium was the beer I enjoyed the least :wha:
see the extract why? thread of which the theme is generally why bother with extract, but it works a treat for me! :whistle:
I'm not anti grain at all I do use it from time to time. :grin:
must say at present im liking the 660ml bottles of san miguel at ���ã1.25 from tesco.....saves time bottling ..which is a godsend..
Started in a raspberry turbo cider. Feel ill but the rugby is on so need a drink
Started in a raspberry turbo cider. Feel ill but the rugby is on so need a drink