I thought I was a lightweight but my stomach says heavweight
Bought a mini keg of Adnams Shingle Shells beer, mainly because it is hopped with Citra and Cascade.
Thought I would give it a try today. Not overly impressed, while there's nothing wrong with it, the hopping is so low they could have used anything and I would be none the wiser.
Pleasant enough pint, but not one to remember or buy again.
Oh well, only six and a half pints left.
Leon, my plan for a semi-dry January (no beer on week nights) is tearing at the seams after a stressful start back to work, too. Becks Blue just isn't cutting it!
More mint tea!
I can't bear this much longer. I've very nearly cracked tonight but one last push and then Friday's supping will seem all the sweeter for it.
What's utterly pathetic is that I'm actually excited about the idea of having a few beers.