Having a glass of Double D while cooking dinner.

That looks brilliantSchwarzbier is still going...can't be much left in the keg..I have obviously been too good leaving it alone through lagering
Didn't score that well in Lager than Life (30pts), I have compared it against commercial German brew and tasted similar to me..
View attachment 97774
I see your a stones fan thenAnd i like it like it
Yes I do
..WayWay better than Orval
I kept the recipe close apart from bittering hops I used Challenger as a FWH, 40 litres of this is destined to be brewed next week following the recipe. My reverse cycle AC gave up the ghost after 8 years of loyal service, 8 years of continuous running, keeping ferments warm during winter and cool during summer. Hoping to pick up a new one next week, don't want to risk my 40 litre batch.The ingredients for the Poe's bitter arrived today. I put the recipe into Brewfather and it looks a lot simpler than on the web page for some reason so I'm going to make it as per the recipe.