What are you drinking tonight 2024.

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More tea vicar? Mmm, don’t mind if I do.


Evenin' folks,
Starting with my Camden Ale 'Amber clone'.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love the flavours of this beer.
And it changes as it ages, getting richer citrus tones tonight, or is it my palate?
SWMBOd is on preprandial Kiwi Sauv. Blanc 'The Ned'. Lovely stuff.
I'll join her later, but not just yet........
Yesterday's haul as I needed a no beer day plus it was easier to manage driving home from hebden bridge. 3 of these 4 beers were delicious for different reasons but the black IPA didn't quite live up to the other bipa's I've had.

The queen's knot brewery aka @DocAnna was most welcome like a light version of la trappe quad, which as it is a dubbel is exactly to style.

I've had quite a few dubbels that disappointed but Docanna's brew has persuaded me to give them another go that's how good it is. 👍🏻

the new luminous nights label design clearly means it's a new batch and it isn't over carbed so that's good. Beware as It was sold alongside the old can design in Lidls.

The Northern monk beer was very good compared to most of Their supermarket range so that was the icing on the cake.

Final pic is my haul from Scotland 😎

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@Moe American Amber to follow my own lager which is not worth writing home about.

A lovely looking beer, nice and clear, copper coloured with a creamy head. Well carbonated. Can't get much in the way of aroma, taste wise malty, piney hops. A little muted in taste and aroma, which isn't really a criticism, it's a nice beer and well balanced. Thanks for sharing!

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