What are you drinking tonight 2024.

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dinner was Villa Maria Kiwi SB.
Oh, and haddock curry with couscous.
Stunning flavours all round. 😋

Last of the Wadworths haul. Rum infused ale, I’m not sure really what rum tastes like it doesn’t have any strong flavour characteristics in this beer. I can tell that it’s really quite bitter but it carries it well. Overall have enjoyed their beers which is nice being localish.
I’m not sure really what rum tastes like it doesn’t have any strong flavour characteristics in this beer. I

SWMBO brought this back today i have never tried beer aged in rum casks so am looking forward to trying it later, at 6.8% i am glad its only one ;)

I’ve been trying a few alcohol frees recently and this is probably the best I’ve found. Brooklyns special effects not bad either…
Not tried the Erdinger yet but totally agree about the BSE as it's one of the few with a taste but would come as a shock to anyone unfamiliar with US hops!

My preprandial Kent Golden ale and her straight into the dinner Claret.

The paraphernalia is because there was a ton of deposit in the Claret.
A 1990 Cissac that cost me 70F.francs, aeons ago obs.
Went superbly with SWMBO'Ds pink lamb. The only bottle of it I had. But it's gotta be drunk sometime!
As my lady said.
And I agree.
Always the safest option.
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