What are you drinking tonight 2024.

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Was this what Esteban was searching for in his golden condor? One for the '80s kids.


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Is that your own brew, and if so do you have a link to the recipe?
Yes, here it is
Never got round to updating this last week but on the 11th I brewed a Marzan, my first attempt at the style. Below is the recipe. Should have been a pretty simple brew day but it was full of errors.

First off the bottom of grain basket came loose, I was stirring the mash early on and didn't know why my hand was getting burnt, I lifted the basket out and realised the bottom wasn't attached. It was not so long ago that i got rid of some old fermenters, realising I needed to decant all the wort and grain to refill left me a little puzzled. Luckily I managed to have a enough pots and pans.

Second error came shortly after, in the above error I turned the AIO off, when turning it back on I automatically thought it was still on the mash programme - wrong it was on boil, luckily I noticed within minutes and it only hit about 70c. After sorting all that I put it to boil and went to get a stiff drink, only I didn't press start, when I came back 10 minutes later it was cooling rather than boiling.

All in all it made for a much longer day. End result, 2.5l over what I wanted but also went over my efficiency so all good. Sat at 10c fermenting away lovely.

In my brew thread

SWMBO'd joined me in having a early (my) Camden not-so-pale ale.
Lovely, light and hoppy despite the colour.
Next up was my KCB. I must save some for next week to share with my BiLaw.
That could be a toughy.

The on to my Kent Gold ale with my own First Gold hops.

So tasty and rich I just had to pour another!
🍻Cheers everyone!
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