What are you drinking tonight 2023.

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First try of latest Belgian pale. This was originally inspired by Alagash River Trip although the hops are slightly different as couldn't find the Comet that I thought I had
Cascade , Azcca and Idaho Gem hot side. Cascade & Azacca dry hop. Yeast was the seasonal Wyeast Belgian Wheat.

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Do you keep and reuse wet yeasts. I might build my stock up after Christmas.
Doing some "hop research" whilst sorting the toasties. Works well in a golden ale. What doesn't?
My annual Bière de Garde. This didn't fare well in a competition, with DMS and sulphur aroma being the main negatives.

I have a cold but not getting either, so hopefully it has aged out, if that's possible. Mouthfeel is quite creamy so wonder if that was interpreted as slickness you get with DMS.

This is the first version I've fermented with a lager yeast, think I'll go back to an ale yeast next time.

Do you keep and reuse wet yeasts. I might build my stock up after Christmas.
I had been in the past overbuilding a starter and keeping a theoretical 100b in a mason jar to build up within 3 months..but I didn't manage to use them in good timescales so went to the drain.
With this wyeast strain I have frozen some samples in test tubes using the cryo mixture method so I will see how that works.
Will build up a collection that way if the first sample works well in a starter.
I had been in the past overbuilding a starter and keeping a theoretical 100b in a mason jar to build up within 3 months..but I didn't manage to use them in good timescales so went to the drain.
With this wyeast strain I have frozen some samples in test tubes using the cryo mixture method so I will see how that works.
Will build up a collection that way if the first sample works well in a starter.
I was doing something similar, I had a good stock build up. WLP 023 for bitters, porters & stouts. Then a few Belgian strains and the French Saison yeast. I will start to build them up again. I have noticed a big jump in price of the White lab yeasts
Day off tomorrow so its the last of my 1698 and a Hobgoblin which we got from the local shop as we haven't managed to get the car out of the street due to the amount of snow and the state of the side streets, it has forecast rain tomorrow so with luck we can get out and restock.

Might qc the oatmeal stout later to see if its carbing up.
Won't have many tonight as I had a trough full yesterday in York...6 or 7 pints of which were stout or porter.
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