In Edinburgh for a gig and a wee overnight. The hotel we're in has Knops 1505 Cardamom infused beer on draft, which is very nice! Hints of liquorice and quite tangy. It's quite similar to Estrella Inedit, which I had a bottle of earlier today too.
Wall to wall sunshine in East Kent today.
Locals (that's particularly if you are in Thanet) do say to look at near Continent forecast for weather there, not the GB forecasts.
Treating myself to a beer at lunch time. Transferred my NEIPA to the keg, tried the filling it with starsan method so hopefully it won’t oxidise. Then cleaned the fermenter and my Kolsch keg followed by cleaning the beer lines then moved and labelled 40 bottles of Saison into the garage, so think I deserve one.
A taste of the NEIPA and it’s a tad bitter atm hopefully when carbed it’ll mellow a bit, I think it’s going to be drinkable. My Wit is OK but not what I hoped for, the head dissipates quickly and the addition is a bit overpowering and fighting for the yeast character.
pale ale kegged nearly 2 weeks now and coming good.
Slightly overdid the summit at bittering as used leaf hops but it will mellow over the next week or so
QC test of the bottle conditioned Saison, so everything seems the same as before the colour though murky dropped out, the hops smell lovely, the alcohol is way up on my first attempt. However it’s far too sweet at the moment, perhaps after time it’ll get better, but at the moment. Note self stick with kegs it’s just easier.
Apprently, after extensive research, it appears to be from the 1930s when 'wall to wall' carpeting arrived.
This then morphed into meaning 'everywhere you could have something was covered, leaving no spaces unoccupied'.
Does that match your experience?
Loosely based on a 1920s Boddingtons IPA, but with a touch of light crystal, CML Atlantic yeast (thus it didn't finish as low as the original recipe) and completely unauthentic, finished with Opus hops in the Hopstand. Not my recent levels of clarity, but this is the second pint out of a naturally carbonated cornie, so it will improve.
Do not brew this. It's lovely, easy, drinking but around 5.5%. Danger, Will Robinson, Danger! Seriously, the first pint lasted about three milliseconds.