What are you drinking tonight 2022?

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I need some empty kegs and I know I have two kegs that are close to empty. First the Czech Pilsner…


😳. Well that was unexpected!
Guest beer time! I’ve been waiting for my sense of smell to recover after last weeks head cold before trying this one, and I’m really glad I did.
Oatmeal stout kindly sent to me by @phildo79.
Low to medium carbonation, pours with a light tan head that lasted around half of the pint. Dark chocolaty roast aromas predominate. The flavour is perfectly balanced between mild coffee roast flavours and a complex malt sweetness. The mouthfeel is smooth and creamy with a great length of flavour. Bitterness is low without any harsh dark grain astringency.
All in all, it’s a great brew. The 6% ABV is well hidden in rich creamy roasty malty beer that still manages to finish cleanly on the palate and invite you back for more.
Great effort, it’s a lovely beer that was worth waiting for. Thank you for sharing it👍
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