We have here two beers - myself and Tetty B or Betty as I like to call him
@The-Engineer-That-Brews) have sent each other our Hefeweizens and we thought we'd compare the two.
Here are two pictures of them. TETB’s beer is on the left of each photo, and mine is on the right.
My comparisons between the two are:-
The lack of head is apparent in both beers, even though my one has more (possibly too much?) carbonation.
Flavour is similar - I get a ripe or cooked banana in Betty's though and a more fresh banana in mine. I'm putting this down to the extra sweetness in my one. As TETB's warmed, the banana became stronger. I do love banana! Got clove in both beers as well.
There may be something wrong with my nose but I don't get an aroma on either beer.
I must admit I preferred mine before it was carbonated as it was smooth and creamy, and I know that's an odd thing to say. The carbonation seemed to take away some flavour.
Overall, a successful experiment and two quite similar beers!
Thanks for sharing TETB, and for being a good friend also!