What are you drinking tonight 2022?

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Stout next…Stout next…Stout next…C’mon!…That’s long enough.
Stout next.

By the way I'm going back to bottling I think. I just think kegging ruins them, despite being in a closed loop 100% of the time.
With Hefe & Witbier I would definitely bottle condition as the yeast and carbonation are big parts to the beer. Even brewery's like Alagash for their Witbier give instructions to tip the can and give it time for the good stuff to mix back. Some of these breweries ask the bars to store the kegs upside down so they don't drop clear.
Interesting. Are there any other styles that are best bottle conditioned?
I would say they are the main ones plus most Belgian styles as they are generally higher carbonation and it's more difficult to maintain consistent carbonation off the keg when pouring or bottling for sharing. My local brewery cans a saison and it's not very carbonated,favour wise it's very nice but it's not a patch on something like Dupont with the bubbles streaming up the glass..same with Duvel.
I personally would bottle any high ABV darker beers like imperial stouts, barley wine or strong ales that aren't hoppy. The yeast in the bottle helps condition the beer and I don't drink that type of beer quickly so I wouldn't want 19l in a keg ageing in a bad way because I'm not drinking it quick enough.
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Overtone Brewing Co. Chocolate Praline Stout
Not as sweet as expected but some lovely chocolate flavours. Apologies for the misleading glass.....the Jail Ale was good but that is just a distant memory from last year’s holiday!

My simcoe and cascade pale.....there's something wrong with it, apart from being very hazy, (not meant to be) it's got a fluffy mouth feel to it, the best way to describe it, like drinking pillow fluff. Oddly, lovely aroma but fairly flavourless. Bugger.
Very special beer tonight, Westvleteren 12. This was gifted to me by @Pennine. It's stamped 29.10.17

Dark ruby red, good carbonation, light head that fades
The aroma is intense, dark stone fruit, sweet dark sugar. Really nice
Tastes very smooth with no alcohol burn, again sweet dark fruit, really complex. I need to slow down and enjoy this

What a beer, it's very fitting because it's monsoon season over here. I was going to do a side by side comparison with Rochefort 10, But decided to enjoy both on their own.

Thank you @Pennine for giving me the opportunity to taste this. 👏
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