What are you drinking tonight 2021?

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When last (before today) I had a beer, I saw an email saying order more beer, much money off if you order soon...
Seemed like a good idea at the time, despite still having beers ordered for Xmas.
So I complied. Started filling a mixed case of 12 with beers I really wanted (expensive ones - who woulda knew?), then rounded it out with some cheaper tried and testeds. Finally added this bottle.
Didn't pick up on the football connection at the time. Did I mention I'd been drinking?
I just thought it would be an easy drinking, good quality, but economic pale beer for a Wednesday evening. Turns out it is, needs a greasy chip butty for balance though...
Bottle of my American Wheat. Its been conditioning for a couple of weeks now and is growing on me. Pretty good drop after a grim day staring at the laptop.
after being white man with a big white van for the second time for my son's house move this time instead of my daughter, I had a vocation imperial kirsh stout... super amazing RIS & cherry beer in one, sweet but not sickly. going to pay another visit to Tesco for a few soon.
then a piraat triple hop.
finishing with my own triple 8.
after the ordeal i've had I'd continue, but I have to return the hire van in a sober condition :rolleyes:
I thought I took a pic of the vocation but was too exited/tired and turns out I didn't.
after being white man with a big white van for the second time for my son's house move this time instead of my daughter, I had a vocation imperial kirsh stout... super amazing RIS & cherry beer in one, sweet but not sickly. going to pay another visit to Tesco for a few soon.
then a piraat triple hop.
finishing with my own triple 8.
after the ordeal i've had I'd continue, but I have to return the hire van in a sober condition :rolleyes:
I thought I took a pic of the vocation but was too exited/tired and turns out I didn't.

Sounds like you deserved a reward 😉
after being white man with a big white van for the second time for my son's house move this time instead of my daughter, I had a vocation imperial kirsh stout... super amazing RIS & cherry beer in one, sweet but not sickly. going to pay another visit to Tesco for a few soon.
I like the look /description of the vocation beers that have been posted. Not least this one. I'll see if I can get any on next Tuesdays Tesco click and collect. They'll be just in time for hump day!
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A Hazelwood Brewery bitter to start...running dangerously low now. If I can get another brew on this week I might do one..
Then a rummage in the shed for some Christmas leftovers...a McEwans Levy...pish,now a Bombardier..average.
Next will be a HB...
First tastings of my 9 way yeast experiment :

Liberty Bell fermented at 36c vs 19c.

Of course the 36c is more estery but it's not fusely (like the pasta) it's nowhere near mawkish and I kinda liked it. The normal liberty bell was fine but over the two pints I'd slightly side with the 36c.

NOTE: It's too early to say yes you can use Liberty Bell instead of kveik and I'm going to do it again. But what I can say is that it's definitely not terrible. I absolutely despise the fusel nailvarnish taste so that's a big plus. If you'd given me the 36c Liberty Bell without telling me it was absolutely cooked then there's no way I'd have guessed.

Later Gretel vs Gretel HOT. Weird thing about this one is that I've not had Gretel at normal temperature yet. Some of you know how it works at high temps.
First tastings of my 9 way yeast experiment :

Liberty Bell fermented at 36c vs 19c.

Of course the 36c is more estery but it's not fusely (like the pasta) it's nowhere near mawkish and I kinda liked it. The normal liberty bell was fine but over the two pints I'd slightly side with the 36c.

NOTE: It's too early to say yes you can use Liberty Bell instead of kveik and I'm going to do it again. But what I can say is that it's definitely not terrible. I absolutely despise the fusel nailvarnish taste so that's a big plus. If you'd given me the 36c Liberty Bell without telling me it was absolutely cooked then there's no way I'd have guessed.

Later Gretel vs Gretel HOT. Weird thing about this one is that I've not had Gretel at normal temperature yet. Some of you know how it works at high temps.

That’s interesting. I’ve never fermented Liberty Bell above about 22C. Never even considered it. What made you do it?
I had this earlier. Not bad, certainly very hoppy but a sort of green, vegetal hoppiness that didn't really do it for me.
That’s interesting. I’ve never fermented Liberty Bell above about 22C. Never even considered it. What made you do it?
Because I have to know.

Presumably the same thing that caused beer made from bird seed or fruit & fibre, love the experimentation athumb..
Yes. THIS.

You hear all this never do this, never do that and so much of it is from the old guard who've never actually gone to the extent of trying it themselves. I once stayed at a campsite where somebody had beef with the owners and they'd show up at 1, 2, 3 am and beep their horns, wake up all the campers and sing "Tw@t Harries, Tw@t Harries, bummed a goat and they got married!" I feel like that about a lot of brewing stuff. Not before I came to this forum, but very soon after.

Anyway - the CML Gretel at 36c vs normal. I prefer the normal. Surprisingly to me the lower temp had more of the banana and clove and an almost liquidised banana slickness. And it had loads of head and lacing compared to the 36c which was fine, no off flavours or anything, but the lower temperature retained more of what I'd expect from the yeast and was really satisfying. The high temp one didn't keep the flavour or mouthfeel.

I've had these beer lagering a very long time now and I need to go back to my notes and see how they were early on. I'm sure the high temp gretel was much closer early on. And of course wheat beers aren't something you age.

Repeating for those that might not have read it : before this I tried CML Kristalweizen and Gretel at high temps and super fast beer that I much preferred to CML Voss just because they tasted like beers I was used to. I did make a rice lager with voss that I absolutely adored the flavour of - it was a 10/10 and sod all like beer that I know of.

CML Hell at 36c - Oooh no, missus. Too many estery sweet flavours that you absolutely don't want in a lager and that aren't a benefit you'd want in anything else. I'd describe it as 'crappy grapefruit pith' and I've only seen a few recipes that include that. It's a no. But again less offensive than you'd think. A slight nail varnish remover only on the burp which might come out when the temp rises but none of them have been the fusel horror. There are 4 left in the batch to go.
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Three days of defiance, toilet seats left up, brewing gear left in situ for tomorrows brewday and cracking a frothy before 3.00 pm. Better than a holiday. No doubt normal service will be resumed on Saturday.:(
A refreshing well hopped ordinary bitter, making the most of it until SWMBO's return.🙂

Three days of defiance, toilet seats left up, brewing gear left in situ for tomorrows brewday and cracking a frothy before 3.00 pm. Better than a holiday. No doubt normal service will be resumed on Saturday.:(
A refreshing well hopped ordinary bitter, making the most of it until SWMBO's return.🙂

View attachment 41285
Knock em bandy Foxy!
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