Turbo Cider

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It definatly has its appley nose and aroma, still tastes appley too. But it is sweeter than most ciders, gaymers, strongbow etc. But I like it that way. It may be too sweet for you.
i'm saving champagne style bottles as i reckoned they would be good corked for a sparkling turbo cider. Is there any reason why cider and corks don't go together?
Just tasted my first TC yesterday. :drink: Just like scrumpy. :thumb:

Family pulled faces though as they're used to the cheap, gassy, sweetener added stuff from the supermarkets.

Well 2 litres left for my poker game tomorrow. (I'm not drinking it, the others can and I'll steal their chips :party: )
Have a good game Smod

I'd like to be invited to one of these games (ahem!) :D
BS Pear Cider is called Perry and if you try Dunkertons Organic Perry and THEN say you don't like it i'll believe you. But untill you have tried the mighty Dunkertons perry you should reserve judgement. Personally i think their organic cider is the best cider in the world ever.

My TC actually tastes nice this time round. Just goes to show that using bread yeast for your TC is crap. I've made a 'weak' quaffing cider as lots of my kiwi mates reckon cider is crap so i thought that as they reckon 4% commercial lager is great i'd better not shock their system too much. Once they've got used to that i'll make a real one. :twisted: Perhap's especially for one of our poker nights. :lol:
Does anyone know where you can get 100% pear juice to attempt a turbo perry? Would it work? I've looked on the asda site and I can't seem to find any that's pure juice. Any ideas?
juice from concentrate is fine if you can find that... just make sure there's no preservatives or it wont ferment ;)
oh! forgot to say, my girlfriend made a turbo cider on xmas day with my assistance :cheers:

1.5kg of sugar went in this time cos she said that the 6.5% stuff i did last time wasnt strong enough :eek:

put 3 packs of yeast in the bugger to make sure it got off to a flying start for new years drinking :D it foamed up to the lid within 2 hours :lol:

OG was 1.075 :shock: :drunk:

it's currently at 1.040 and will stop it at 1.020 for a 7.2%ABV if it makes it that far by tomorrow night... failing that i'll just kill it and stick it outside over night with a shedload of campden and hope it's settled for new years!
i've a feeling it'll only make 1.030 in just the next day, which'll be 6% and flippin sweet.

on second thought i'm tempted to rack it un campdened (is that a word? lol) serve it as a scrumpy then let whatever is left after new year continue fermenting in the cornie (releasing the pressure daily until it's at a reasonable point) then add campden