Turbo Cider

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you've got 48 hours to sink 40 pints of 6% ish TC.... pffft... nah... not on your own, no way :D
Hmmm lemme think. The corny holds 19l, I've had 3 or 4 pints from it since. So that leaves say 17l.

17l = 30 pints.

10 pints tonight, 5 pints in the day tomorrow, 5 pints in the evening... and somehow manage not to be too hung over to gradually finish off the last 10 pints before the guests arrive on Wednesday :lol:
Haha, I'm going to need to drive at some point between then :lol:

Although if I was unemployed, living alone with no friends.. I'm sure I would have taken that challenge up :lol:

You ever drunk 30 pints in 48hours? :eek:
yes :oops: well... ish... i've drunk 40 pints over three days once.... it was a beer fest though :?
heh nor was i! i only knew by the ticks next to each beer on the pamphlet and i remembered i was drinking pints :lol:
Aii nothing wrong with that!

I just poured myself a pint of TC. Very refreshing! Much better than the strongbow. Perfectly carbonated too! Tastes kinda like koppaberg with the sweetness, I'm quite glad I stopped it at around 1.020.
great stuff :thumb:

oh crap... i just persuaded you to drink it didn't i :?:

dont you dare blame me if you run out at new year.... it was your fault for being weak!... i swear! .... honest! :lol:
Haha, no just this one! :wha:

I'm not drinknig too much tonight... honest :lol:

Does this forum have an alcoholics anonymous section :hmm: *nudge to Wez*
Smod said:
Just tasted my first TC yesterday. :drink: Just like scrumpy. :thumb:

Family pulled faces though as they're used to the cheap, gassy, sweetener added stuff from the supermarkets.

Well 2 litres left for my poker game tomorrow. (I'm not drinking it, the others can and I'll steal their chips :party: )

Just looking at my posts and forgot about this one :hmm:

Well, the game went great, only four of us and only one mate drank my TC. The other one was on Stella and the last on Brown and Bitter :sick:

Ended up winning all three games and pocketed 36 quid!! :lol:

Luck of the cards that night :thumb:
Just checked the excess TC I chucked into a demijohn, its dropped to 0.995 and still bubbling slowly! It's at 9.1% now... tastes more like a white wine now :lol:

I'm just gonna leave it to see how far it goes.

When do you reckon I should syhpon it off its sediment? - because ive read that leaving a brew on dead yeast can cause off flavours..

if you dont mind risking a butterscotch flavour i wouldn't worry about it mate ;)

i personally find it's a bit too weird from my tastebuds so only leave the beer/cider on the trub for aslong as it needs to be (until it's down to target FG)
I'm awaking this thread again, apologies!

Just thinking, when me and brewstew drop a camden tablet in to "stop fermentation", surely it's just halting the fermentation for a couple of days.. after 1 month, surely its possible for the cider to have fermented even further - to an almost dry horrible taste (10%)?

Ever had anything like this? :cheers:
mmm yeah i've often thought about that. potassium sorbate will definitely kill them dead.

campden aparently "stuns" them... i wonder if it stuns them enough for finings to drop them out of suspension.

my latest TC crystal clear... as in commercially clear! i didn't use campden or finings and i'm 100% sure it's not still fermenting. all i did was leave it outside for 2 days in the freezing cold :lol: