Turbo Cider

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crE said:
GOD DAMN. The one hydrometer I had has now turned into none.

Dropped the bastard on the floor! GAH. Gonna have to go to wilkinsons to pick one up on the way back tomorrow.

Darn it, wanted to do some readings today!


Erm.... pectalose? :eek: - I've never done this - you didnt mention this did you brewstew?


Sorry about the hydrometer, I've broken bigger things than that this week and the typo pectolase. Add one teaspoon per gallon and leave 24 hours before pitching the yeast. It's a pectin destroyer and gives you a clear brew. ;)

Never knew that. Does it just clear the brew faster? Eleviating the need for me to leave it 2 weeks in the cornie?

Strange.. my cider kit never had anything in it like this!
Just realised.. I'm fermenting my cider in a carboy with a fermentation lock attached.

Cider kits normal use buckets - is there anything wrong with me doing this? Not depiriving the cider from much needed oxygen am i?
Good stuff =)

Even so, I've just opened it up to get a hydro reading so any oxygen needed should have been let in.

Dropped to about 1.055 since Wednesday evening. Not bad going.

I only say "about", because I just picked up a new hydrometer and it doesnt seem as profesh or as accurate as the one that I previously owned and dropped on the floor :cool:

Probably take another reading on monday to see where it stands! I was worrying it was going to finish fermenting before my corny was ready on wednesday! Doesnt look like thats gonna happen, so thats good.

Seems strange, I thought it'd be a lot more gone than it has. It's been "blulping" about 40 times a minute for the past 2 days! But hey, I'm not so experienced.

It's looking promising though! Cant wait to give it a try :)

Cheers by the way brewstew - I copied you completely :rofl:
that's great stuff mate :cool: i just hope you enjoy it as much as i do! :drink: i'm always nervous for the first few people that try my methods/recipes hehe

i dunno why it's called Turbo Cider... i've not noticed it do anything faster than normal... aside from the ludicrously fast speed in which it gets me smashed! haha!

I've seen photos of overflowing carboy's and popped off airlocks, but never had that happen myself.... yet!
crE said:
GOD DAMN. The one hydrometer I had has now turned into none.

Dropped the bastard on the floor! GAH. Gonna have to go to wilkinsons to pick one up on the way back tomorrow.

Darn it, wanted to do some readings today!


Erm.... pectalose? :eek: - I've never done this - you didnt mention this did you brewstew?


sorry guys i completely missed your posts

i dont use pectolase, if it refuses to clear after a week i just use isinglass finings in secondary ;)
way cool, finings in secondary, never even thought about that, and works for pectin hazes too! might not work all the time, but worth a go as its quick and easy. will give it a go with problem pectin hazes in my wines if i get one. is this isinglass? i just bought some, its called 'quickfine liquid 2'. the shop was concerned about whether it also had a liquid 1 (they didn't have any and didn't want to sell me a dud), but there's nothing on the bottle saying it does so i got it anyway. ingredients are isinglass, citric acid, e220 and water.
dunno about that one, but you can get it in all sorts of names (Allkleer, Caskleer, Magicol etc) and either liquid or powder.
:shock: Wooop! That's some fast drinking.

Myn is going to be ready by new years, and I hope I dont start drinking it before! Apart from the odd sneaky pint to test it hasnt got infected :lol:

Got 40 pints of beer in a keg, and 30 bottles of wine in a box sitting next to it. Very tempting, but I must hold back!
I have 18L of lovely apple juice to bung some cider yeast into. It's that summery time of year for me and some cider is much needed.
My last TC lasted about 8 month's as it was so strong that i got blind with half a pint. It was cloudy and tart but after the first bottle i didn't care. It may have been due to the fact that i made it with cloudy apple juice.

Gonna knock this up when i have a spare moment. :D
Just ordered a Corny from Norman :party:

Was thinking of knocking up a batch of this TC to put in it :grin:
The turbo cider or the corny?

I asked Norman for the corny on Tuesday the 9th, and if it's ready by the Wednesday, that'll be around 8 days!]

The turbo cider.. I started that on Wednesday the 10th, and at pretty constant 21'c - 22'c it's LOOKING like it could be ready by Wednesday, no earlier. Possible a day or two later. So about the same time as the corny is going to be ready!

Hope that answered your question pansub!
I went according to brewstews recipe!

OG was 1.050. Added enough sugar to get to 1.064. Will drop some campden tablets in to stop the fermentation when it reaches 1.016. Should be 6.3%ish, and still be appley and tastey!
I checked last night and it was down to around 1.030!

Gonna do another check when I get back today. My cornie is ready from Norm! So I can go collect it on my way back from work =D

Last time i tasted the brew was at 1.050 - very sweet.

When it reaches 1.016 - d'you reckon I should rack it into a fresh carboy for a couple of days with some campden tablets, THEN put it in the corny?

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