Turbo Cider

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agreed! this stuff is way better than the commercial crap. infact, dare i say it... i think it's better than most cider kits too :eek:
aha! that was the next question i was gonna ask. i tried a cider kit looooong ago, and wasn't impressed. Not that i want to try and make something similar to a commercial brew, even if i thought i could. tho i gotta say that on very rare occasions there isn't anything like cider for a refreshing experience. Tho beers of all sorts usually do it for me.
this is now down to 1.014... 6.5% :drunk:

i'm gunna rack it now before the yeast takes out all the flavour ;)
I'm tempted to order some tesco apple juice! Although I'll restrain, I've still got a lot of cider left from a kit - dont taste so great though :(

How do you store your TC brewstew? Corny?
we had 7 pints left over from racking... my mrs just tasted some and now she's one pint ahead cos it tastes so good :D... i'm not ashamed to admit i'm being beaten by a girl... she loves her cider.

even she says it's a million times better than the kit cider i did a month ago.

I'm tempted to order some tesco apple juice! Although I'll restrain, I've still got a lot of cider left from a kit - dont taste so great though :(

How do you store your TC brewstew? Corny?

get one on mate, you wont regret it! :thumb:

just dont use champagne, wine or bread yeast... S04 for the win! and make sure you rack it before it fully ferments out or it'll have no taste and be super (10% ish) strength ;)

as for your question; i just rack it to corny, force carbonate and leave it for a week. doesnt need long at all to mature... infact we're drinking it scrumpy style (cloudy and flat) and it tastes ****** delicious :drunk:
forgot to add.. i'm nearly four pints and a big dinner down and i'm feeling wobbly :lol:

this is even better than i remember the last TC. it's got a beautiful apple flavour and nose still... i'm VERY glad i racked it before the yeast went all the way :thumb:
sounds like you guys are having fun!

i'm a bit confused tho ... force carbonate and end up with a still cider? what is it that i don't get???
i only just racked it.. what we were drinking last night was leftovers straight from the fermenter... hence why it was flat. after a week in the corny under some pressure, it'll have a nice fizz ;)
Damn you guys, every questions I ask about storage ends up being CORNY! I guess I'll just have to bite the bullet and buy one! - That's called peer pressure you know! :drunk:

So, you reckon to rack at about 6-7%, with S04 yeasy to preserve apply flavour?

Also - I've been on the Tesco website and noticed I can either get the Value juice, or the one you have in that picture. - Is there any reason you went for the more expensive option?
the only reason was because i couldn't be sure the value stuff didn't have preservatives in (i was ordering online so couldnt check the carton).. i've had the apple juice i chose before and knew for sure that it was pure juice from concentrate.
oh and the cornie thing... you'll know why we drum on about them when you get yourself set up with one and have gas, regs and a nice shiny tap ;) they're just SOOOooo simple to use and clean.
Hehe cheers buddy. If I run into some money the first thing I'll spend it on is a cornie!

I'm pretty sure the value stuff doesn't. Prlbably best to check instore. As long as it says:

100% Apple Juice From Concentrate

Doesnt that mean its free from any preservatives and adiditives?
if that's written on the carton, then yeah thats good.

i just dont trust any of the descriptions written on the website cos i've seen typos and all sorts that say to me its some underpaid youngster not really paying attention while writing it... i mean i saw a pack of Cashew Nuts description say "May contain Nuts" ... WTF?! :shock:
24 litres of apple juice (either pure or from concentrate but make sure there's no preservatives)
1kg of sugar... cane sugar (silverspoon) will do
1 packet of Safale 04 Yeast

Sanitise fermenter and spoon
pour half the apple juice into the fermenter
mix in the sugar and make lots of foam etc to aerate
add second half of juice and mix some more
sprinkle yeast

rack when it's at the desired strength.

NOTE: this will ferment past the usual attenuation level of the yeast as it's so fermentable. if you leave it to fully ferment out it will be really dry and thin... if you want to keep the apple juice smell and flavour then rack it when it's reached the yeasts attenuation level which in my case was at about 75% attenuation ;)
BrewStew said:
24 litres of apple juice (either pure or from concentrate but make sure there's no preservatives)
1kg of sugar... cane sugar (silverspoon) will do
1 packet of Safale 04 Yeast

Sanitise fermenter and spoon
pour half the apple juice into the fermenter
mix in the sugar and make lots of foam etc to aerate
add second half of juice and mix some more
sprinkle yeast

rack when it's at the desired strength.

NOTE: this will ferment past the usual attenuation level of the yeast as it's so fermentable. if you leave it to fully ferment out it will be really dry and thin... if you want to keep the apple juice smell and flavour then rack it when it's reached the yeasts attenuation level which in my case was at about 75% attenuation ;)

Thanks, looks great, soon as fermenters are empty one's going in!!


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