Turbo Cider

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there's a calculator in the calcs section ;)

most yeasts (i know S04 does) have the aparent average attenuation level written on the packet. i usually work to 73% for S04 which is a midway figure.

punch in 73% and your starting gravity in the calculator and you then know where the FG should be :thumb:
Fantastic - so after the punching in those details and getting the result - I should ferment the cider until it reaches that calculated FG? Then rack?

BTW - how do you clear your cider?

As the last time with my kit, it told me to clear it in bottles. But after it did, it left a yucky orange browny sediment at the bottom that as soon as you tipped the bottle upside down it murkied the cider again!!


that's the one ;)

i keg my cider.. and i dont use finings but it does help to stop the yeast having a second go at it if you do. it drops crystal clear within a week. bottling it will be fine... and as there's no hop extract in it, it wont skunk if you put it in clear PET bottles ;)

that's what bottle conditioned beer/cider does i'm afraid. but you shouldn't be turning it upside down :lol: you just have to carefully pour it into a glass or container big enough to take the full volume in one pour. the second you tip the bottle back up again it'll kick up the sediment ;)

I guess so.

Reckon leaving the cider a week for it to settle (aftyer dropping in a few campden tablets), and then bottling would work?

So much to think about!

Guys, also started a Turbo Cider last week as recommended by Wez and others.

Well it looks like it's stopped fermenting (will check gravity tomorrow) but I'vehad a quick sample taste and it's great. :thumb:

Will put into glass bottles or a couple of PET bottles as I only did 5litres.

Wez, I will bring a sample up and a bottle of Rose for Mrs Wez when it's finished. :cheers:
Nice one Smod - look forward to it :thumb:

I'm gonna do a brewstew with my next TC - 25L :cool:
As am I!

A quick question, after syphoning into the corny - what co2 pressure should I go for?

Also - do you add the pressure as soon as its racked into the corny? Or do you wait 2 weeks until the sediment has settled and then pressurize?

I take it its not a wise idea to move the keg around after the cider has settled - as this will disturb the sediment?
i go for about 2 ish volumes... which works out at 1 PSI for every degrees C the temp of the area where it's stored. so if your keg cupboard/whatever is 18'c, then 18 PSI ;)

you can go more complicated than that by way of a calculation, but i like to KISS... Keep It Simple, Stupid ;)

i gas it up then second it's racked... little tip: when you've racked it and gassed it, keep it hooked up to the regs and give a couple of gentle tugs on the PRV (pressure release valve) to purge the air in it, leaving only CO2 behind as an aid to keep the beer from spoiling ;)

not wise to move it at all cos you'll have to wait a day or so for it to settle again ;) if you're gunna move it, pour off the sediment first! then it should be ok to move around (within reason as not all sediment will get sucked up).

one final tip.. dont leave your gas bottle valve and regs open over night or when its not in use for a period of time. the smallest of leaks in any of the system can empty your gas bottle overnight :shock: on a daily basis i top them up with more gas... because the beer absorbs it and the pressure drops if i didn't and i wouldn't get carbonated beer
O dear, is this the stuff that we will be sampling at the Banbury CBA meeting next March, Ive heard alot about this turbo cider and I was a little disapointed that there wasn't any to sample this year after last years tasting!!! :lol:
I got myn started last night!

24l of ASDA smart price apple juice, came to around 50p per L.

Same as you stew, came to 1.050, added 1.3kg of sugar to the final mix which brought it up to 1.064!

Put it in a warm place (19-20'c) and it started bubbling within a couple of hours.

How long am I looking before it reaches roughly 1.016? Which is when I'll put my campden tablets in and rack to my corny - if it get it in time!

cant really answer that as it depends on so many variables.

the only thing i can reccomend is waiting for the yeast head to subside, sanitising your hydrometer and dropping it in the bucket, and leaving it there for quick and easy daily checks ;)
Freaking genius!

Although.. Damn. I only have one hydometer!! And I'm gonna need it to check the beer I'm doing. Ah nevermind.

What are the odds of it actually reaching 1.016 after only 5 days? :shock:
Just put 18L on last night but forgot to treat with pectolase first. :roll: Anyone got a tip for clearing it after it's finished :?:
GOD DAMN. The one hydrometer I had has now turned into none.

Dropped the bastard on the floor! GAH. Gonna have to go to wilkinsons to pick one up on the way back tomorrow.

Darn it, wanted to do some readings today!


Erm.... pectalose? :eek: - I've never done this - you didnt mention this did you brewstew?

nooooooo its fickin contagious .... i just sat on my hydrometer, not even a week old!
but luckily its done its job by an hour no more! Thats just made my brew about 20p per bottle more expensive!
lol. like i said in chat, i break a hydro every three or so brews... swmbo's buying me 10 for xmas as i'm down to my last 2 :lol:

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