Tubbys new brewery build

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Looking good TS, bet you don't know what to do with all that room! Big change to the last brewery :D
muddydisco said:
Looking good TS, bet you don't know what to do with all that room! Big change to the last brewery :D
You're not joking Nick that 1m square space was a little bit restrictive :lol:
When are you going to stop misleading people with your Screenname? Surley it should read Thin_Shaw
Thinner I may be :thumb:
But thin I aren't ;)
Although I had a medical check yesterday and since the last time I was measured I have lost 14cm from around my equator :D
unclepumble said:
tubby_shaw said:
It's sad I know but it had to be done :ugeek:


I would have thought "Tubby's Fetching Curtains Brewery" or "The Pink Drapes Brewery" Would have been more apt Tubby.

Right!, you've convinced me I need a sign. But not until I've got another brew on first. Always fancied making a swinging 'pub sign' type to mount on the shed.