That's brilliant! 

I chose 'sometimes' because I only squeeze if the brew doesn't look dark enough for me.
I used to have a teapot and preferred loose tea to teabags unless i was in a rush, i used one of those metal sieves to stop the leaves going in the cup as for me there is nothing worse than tea leaves in your mouth, SWMBO wasn't a big tea drinker preferring instant coffee so i stopped using the pot (its a bit of a faff for one cup) and went back to bags, a few weeks ago SWMBO decided to stop drinking *instant coffee and is giving tea a try (hallelujah) i may bring the pot out of retirement.I use a teapot and loose leaf tea - though also to be fair also have teabags that I put loose tea in if I just want to make one cup - and will leave the bag in for ages to steep. So I'm being a fusspot as usual
A myth which is all too easily propagated in the homebrew world. Tannins are not extracted by mechanical (physical) action, only by chemical action. A high pH or too high temperature (yes, physical, but has chemical influence) is what extracts tannins.I started this thread because I'd just read that squeezing the bag extracts unwanted extra tannins and acids that will (apparently) ruin your brew. Subjective to personal tastes I guess though.
This I do believe.I know someone who did a job for a tea-blending company. I can't remember the exact details, but they learnt that it was along the lines of there are 23 grades of tea, and the mainstream teabag brands only use the bottom three...
I'm now wondering whether people will start acidifying their kettle on the same way we do with our mash water...I try to make my tea with water which has a lower pH, e.g. rainwater (ph < 7), instead of tap water (pH around 8).
exactly.I started this thread because I'd just read that squeezing the bag extracts unwanted extra tannins and acids that will (apparently) ruin your brew. Subjective to personal tastes I guess though.
I chose 'sometimes' because I only squeeze if the brew doesn't look dark enough for me.
Bottom line for me - I'll keep squeezing when required, because it definitely doesn't ruin my brew.
nah as an ex IT manager i'm happy to approve of apple products as as tea tray. Just don't do it to windows surface devicesI have a teapot at work that I refill as I go through the day usually without changing the tea leaves over so it gets weaker through the day. One meeting a few years ago when I was carrying my teapot and mug in, the staffside union rep commented in surprise that he thought I was carrying it in on a silver tray... till I pointed out it was the back of my ipad... not a use I expect IT would have approved of.
Oh yes, serious tea and coffee people obssess over their water just as much as brewers.I'm now wondering whether people will start acidifying their kettle on the same way we do with our mash water...