Stuck ferment advice sought

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Jul 28, 2008
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South Ayrshire
I brewed a Scottish 60/- at the weekend and it was mashed at 70C so Im not expectimg it to ferment forever , pitched it with a packet of Crossmaloof Beoir ale yeast and it got off to a vigorous start

here we are 3 days from pitching and its come to a grinding halt at 1.017 from 1.036 OG..(18C in fermentation chamber ) I know I need to leave it a few days and see if it stays at 1.017 before I declare it stopped

I know that mashing at 70C will have left a pile of unfermentables in there but 1.017 seems a tad high.. Bre3wfather says it should get down to 1.009 but id be happy if it had gotten down below 1.012.

I have some WLP 004 in the yeast bank Im thinking about mixing up a 500ml starter and firing that into the fermenter and upping the temp to 20C.

I cant see this doing any real harm but I may be wrong..

Any views from the great and good
I can see where you're coming from. That's not a high start number & I would be scared to bottle that at 1.017 due to bottle bomb risk.

I've also been playing with higher masking in temperatures & am finding FG is significantly higher than when I to a stepped mash starting at 65 & using my regular yeast.

I would leave it for 10 days, then check again to see if you need to add your WLP004.

But you have superior kit & temperature control than I have, it's not your first brew & my advice would be to use the force go with your gut feeling.
my advice would be to use the force go with your gut feeling.
My gut is saying give it a feed, say 500g of that Glucose powder I have and get a few more points ABV out of it. keg it and get it drunk. Then start round two. increase the Base malt a tad and do a stepped mash at say 63, and 68 mash out at say 72 and see what happens.. im only needing 3.2 to 3.5% out of a Scottish light , you tend to drown yourself on it before you get drunk..

to be fair the taster from tthe sample jar, albeit at 18C whipped me back 40 years to the days when I was drinking 8-10 pints of 60/- most nights..
woo hoo.. I bumped temp up to 20C and Im seeing a tiny, tiny bit of activity. i dont mind tiny as long as it keeps going I just wanna nudge it down to 1.013 for 3% ABV..
woo hoo.. I bumped temp up to 20C and Im seeing a tiny, tiny bit of activity. i dont mind tiny as long as it keeps going I just wanna nudge it down to 1.013 for 3% ABV..
Not wanting to burst your bubble, but the activity could just be CO2 coming out of solution as it warms up a bit. ☹️
Not wanting to burst your bubble, but the activity could just be CO2 coming out of solution as it warms up a bit. ☹️
See what you did there .. Bubble .. Co2 🤣
I think she is still cooking. Compared to last night the bubbling is more intense this morning. so fingers crossed..

Im going to leave it for 3 days and take another reading..
In that case you were bang on with +2°c. That and a rouse is the standard first step for a stuck fermentation.

Watching with interest, cos 70c mash makes me twitch. Tasted 67 and thats too thin imo.
I brewed a Scottish 60/- at the weekend and it was mashed at 70C so Im not expectimg it to ferment forever , pitched it with a packet of Crossmaloof Beoir ale yeast and it got off to a vigorous start

here we are 3 days from pitching and its come to a grinding halt at 1.017 from 1.036 OG..(18C in fermentation chamber ) I know I need to leave it a few days and see if it stays at 1.017 before I declare it stopped

I know that mashing at 70C will have left a pile of unfermentables in there but 1.017 seems a tad high.. Bre3wfather says it should get down to 1.009 but id be happy if it had gotten down below 1.012.

I have some WLP 004 in the yeast bank Im thinking about mixing up a 500ml starter and firing that into the fermenter and upping the temp to 20C.

I cant see this doing any real harm but I may be wrong..

Any views from the great and good
SNAP !!!!
I’ve just brewed a Guinness clone mashed @ 67°c Pitched CML BEòIR yeast @18°c went off like a rocket after 24 hrs. Fermentation lasted about 4 days OG 1.045 now stuck @ 1.017 also. I have raised the temp over a couple of days to 20°c and gently rocked the FV but still no further action.
Tastes Ok though so will leave it another week and keg as normal but not ideal it is my first try with BEòIR not sure if I’ll use it again though !
SNAP !!!!
I’ve just brewed a Guinness clone mashed @ 67°c Pitched CML BEòIR yeast @18°c went off like a rocket after 24 hrs. Fermentation lasted about 4 days OG 1.045 now stuck @ 1.017 also. I have raised the temp over a couple of days to 20°c and gently rocked the FV but still no further action.
Tastes Ok though so will leave it another week and keg as normal but not ideal it is my first try with BEòIR not sure if I’ll use it again though !
Following the temp rise its still going but its slowed to a crawl. Im going to draw a sample on sunday. If it looks like it stopped
Went to take a sample this morning (Day 7) and she is still bubbling away incredibly slowly . Granted could be Co2 coming out of solution, But im gonna leave it another 3 days to make sure its stopped before I take another reading..
As a Scottish/Irish ale yeast its going to have to deal with a load of the less fermentable sugars in the wort.
So Im wondring if this is the nature of Beoir yeast, starts wi a sprint for the readily able sugars then slows to a crawl to munch down the less fermentable sugars? Dunno!
Checked mine again today as I noticed movement through the spunding valve all be it very slowly. Maybe dropped half a point but the I- Spindle hasn’t moved off 1.016. Going away for a couple of days so will update when I get back
Day 10 and the Hydrometer says 1.015 2.8% im calling it quits and have started to chill it ready for kegging . Taster from the test jar is great flavour but a bit thin in the mouth. tempted to split into two kegs. Prime on to 1.8 vols Co2 and one on 30/70 pubgas see how they go..

2.8% ABV is lower than Id like but its a Scottish 60% its only a smidge off of where it should be (3 to 3.5%).

Before round 2 the recipe is going to get adjusted to take into account the attenuation of THE CML Beoir yeast being 61% on this occasion. and maybe a slight change to tteh mash say 20 mins @65C and ramping it up to 70 ish for the remaining 40 mins..

May also have to take a look how to get a wee bit more body and mouthfeel into it, its already got 3% Melanoidin in the recipe.

But first get it primed and taste tested under session conditions first.
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