Yes please! For research purposes only though...Bottled this one up today, hit my numbers perfectly.
Initial tastes, it's ok a bit sharp still has a bit of the hefe clove in there. I think I confirmed that I do not like amarillo. It tastes earthy and mushroomy and the bitterness is very harsh and lingers forever with the slightest amount of orange. Kind of like I get with fuggles which I also do not like as it tastes like dirt to me. I thought this was the kveik yeast I used last time but I guess its amarillo. Well even if it is not good for me I think I learned something, but I will give it a chance to carbonate and try to be unbiased. @Clint want me to send you a bottle to try?
Funny you get that with past brews have all been nice...and I got 200g in the freezer.
I wonder if it's a seasonal thing where the flavours change? I remember an article but not the hop (!) where they can taste like onions!