Thanks Aleman, I'm torn between bottling this or kegging I can see pro's and cons for both
I guess if I bottle then I can dry hop in the FV if I keg then obviously in the keg.
I'll be bottling some to post out
even if I keg but of course those then won't be dry hopped
:hmm: :hmm:
Any advice?
EDIT - Phil - just read your note too..
Good advice on the sugar, hadn't considered that :thumb:
Also swinging toward bottling after reading your post and not bothering to dry hop......oh man descisions, decisions....... :shock:

I'll be bottling some to post out
:hmm: :hmm:
Any advice?
EDIT - Phil - just read your note too..
Good advice on the sugar, hadn't considered that :thumb:
Also swinging toward bottling after reading your post and not bothering to dry hop......oh man descisions, decisions....... :shock: