Hi All
Can anyone point out any glaring flaws in yesterdays brew, other than managing my first boil over then realised I’d forgotten to put the false bottom in the BZ G4!
The recipe is a Raspberry wheat beer as per the attached Brewfather notes with the change being the yeast to a CML kristallweizen.
So main reason for asking is my OG ended up at 1.044 which is way off.
Notable events in the brewday other than above were twofold:
First the G4 was showing a mash temp of 65c and my digital thermometer 62c so I split the difference and pumped the G4 up to 66c? Last brew I did recalibrate at 65&100c and steady boil was at a touch over 100c
Secondly, the mash started off well after running pump 100% and regular stirring for the first 10-15mins. But then left it for 10 mins and it was very stiff and wort rising in the malt pipe so lost more stirring which I repeated regularly as it was still getting hard to stir. Had 20ltrs in with 10 for sparge.
Also used the G4 thread tip of lifting the malt pipe an inch to increase the dead space.
Oh also realised I had bought Chalk not calcium chloride so couldn’t add to mash water.
So was it the wheat that made it sticky so poor mash, or temp or any of the other numpty errors I’ve mentioned or you can spot?
Can anyone point out any glaring flaws in yesterdays brew, other than managing my first boil over then realised I’d forgotten to put the false bottom in the BZ G4!

The recipe is a Raspberry wheat beer as per the attached Brewfather notes with the change being the yeast to a CML kristallweizen.
So main reason for asking is my OG ended up at 1.044 which is way off.
Notable events in the brewday other than above were twofold:
First the G4 was showing a mash temp of 65c and my digital thermometer 62c so I split the difference and pumped the G4 up to 66c? Last brew I did recalibrate at 65&100c and steady boil was at a touch over 100c
Secondly, the mash started off well after running pump 100% and regular stirring for the first 10-15mins. But then left it for 10 mins and it was very stiff and wort rising in the malt pipe so lost more stirring which I repeated regularly as it was still getting hard to stir. Had 20ltrs in with 10 for sparge.
Also used the G4 thread tip of lifting the malt pipe an inch to increase the dead space.
Oh also realised I had bought Chalk not calcium chloride so couldn’t add to mash water.
So was it the wheat that made it sticky so poor mash, or temp or any of the other numpty errors I’ve mentioned or you can spot?