Just had a quick mental count up of my Christmas beer stocks for another post. Thought I'd put it here aswell .....
in 500 ml bottles
30 x Exmoor Gold
20 x Sarah Hughes 1 Dark Ruby Mild
30 x Sarah Hughes 2 Dark Ruby Mild
30 x Gob Hoblin
28 x Timothy Taylor Landlord
20 x Piddles Dribble ESB
20 x Old Conkerwood Black Ale ( still a bit :sick: )
20 x Wherry
3 cases of a mixture of Muntons Golden Ale, Coopers Stout Brewmaster IPA, Coopers Dark Ale, Cerveza and St.Peters
4 gallons of Ciders, 3 gallons tea bag wines ( wine to be bottled this week )
21 litres of Nutty Rauchbrown ready for bottling
Should be a Merry Festive Season in the old household this year !...
Hopefully depending on various Christmas donations received..... :clap: I will be re designing and upgrading my system for the New Year with a larger boiler and a solid metal bench. Which means the whole garage has to be sorted out again and things moved around to allow me to have a " dedicated brewing pod" all together instead of scattered around the garage,necessitating a build every brew day.
Exciting times planning things...( all donations gratefully received.....