The 'problem' with these hydrometers is that the paper scales can slip and they then read 'out' the really expensive models have the scale engraved on the stem . . . but you are looking at close on 200 quid for one.
you can reposition the scale by 'very very very' gently tapping either the base or the tip of the stem on a firm surface to move the paper scale in the direction you want . . . If you try this at home and break your hydrometer don't come crying to me.
I have a 0.990 to 1.050 long stem hydrometer (0.0005 divisions - 10 quid from Hamsted Homebrew) which I use for the majority of my fermentation work (If I can be arsed), but have 'calibrated' my refractometer (0-20 Brix) against my hydrometer, and am happy with the Promash calculations for fermenting wort.
Both refractometers and hydrometers are useful tools . . . but . . . both have their pros and cons, and it is useful to know when to use one over the other.