I suppose what they must do is move the paper scale inside to read 1.000 at the top of the meniscus, it's a deliberate offset for some reason. From the previous post from Notlaw looks like they have not done this very well.
I don't leave my hydrometer in the brew, but I don't bother taking samples, I just lower the sanitised hydrometer into the brew when I want to take a reading, and I think others on here do that too. You could do the same. If you leave the hydrometer in there all the time you might get stuff sticking to it including gas bubbles which you have to remove or the reading might be wrong. And if you know the fermentation has gone well and you have left it at least 10 days, there is no reason to keep taking SG readings, one at the beginning and then at days 10 and 11 or later should suffice to check its finished, although I usually leave it and package on day 16 or later when its usually well and truly done and the beer is almost clear.Newbie Question Alert!
Is there any reason why I can't/shouldn't just leave my hydrometer in the FV throughout fermentation? So save having to draw samples with a turkey baster into a trial jar? I can then just open the lid, take a reading and close it again.