National Homebrew Competition - Bristol, 3 September 2011

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alikocho said:
After judging has taken place, individuals not involved in judging/stewarding will be free to come for the announcing of results, prize-giving and raffle. At this pint if you want to bring a few extra of your beers to share you can,

Freudian slippage? :lol: :cheers:
No, just a typo caused by a sporadically faulty keyboard unfortunately.
alikocho said:
No, just a typo caused by a sporadically faulty keyboard unfortunately.

methinks you doth protest too much - or maybe your keyboard is trying to send a clear message that there will be beer!
Quite a number of entries already, and some big names coming to judge. Looks like this is going to be good.
I'm looking forward to this.
I'm entering a best bitter although I fudged my brewing schedule a bit & would have liked to have given it another week in the bottle before judging. Anyway, it'll be good to get a score and some feedback from a proper judge - I'm always a harsh critic of my beers & mates who are getting free beer a biased!
Last week to get entries in.

As we currently stand, the competition is bigger than the CBA National last year by some way. And there are plenty of classes to enter your beers in.
Ok, who else had entered?
I've only sent one entry, for category 8B - Special/Best/Premium Bitter. When I did my entry form (monday) I was entry #250, so it looks like they will have a busy day drinking, erm I mean judging. :lol:

Alikocho, For those of us who can't make it to the results announcement, will they also be announced on the website/twitter etc??

Pretty excited to be honest!
Thinking about putting a last minute entry into the competition but is it too late to post the bottles today?
marmite said:
Thinking about putting a last minute entry into the competition but is it too late to post the bottles today?

Do it. Get them in asap.

Winners lists will go on the web. Feedback forms for those not present will be posted out.
With entries now in, the following categories will attract awards at the National Homebrew Competition:

1. Light Lager, Pilsner (7 entries)
2. European Amber Lager, Dark Lager, Bock (6 entries)
3. Light Hybrid Beer, Amber Hybrid Beer (7 entries)
4. Standard/Ordinary Bitter, Best Bitter (25 entries)
5. ESB (24 entries)
6. Scottish and Irish Ale, English Brown Ale (7 entries)
7. American Pale Ale (24 entries)
8. American Amber Ale, American Brown Ale (15 entries)
9. Porter (17 entries)
10. Stout (22 entries)
11. IPA (25 entries)
12. German Wheat and Rye Beers (7 entries)
13. Belgian and French Ales (21 entries)
14. Belgian Strong Ales (12 entries)
15. Strong Ales (10 entries)
16. Sour Ale, Fruit Beer, Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer (9 entries)
17. Smoke-Flavoured and Wood-Aged Beers (8 entries)
18. Specialty Beer (11 entries)

Categories have been combined to give a minimum of 6 entries per category, but left so that combinations are sensible and beers get a fair judging alongside each other. ESB and APA have been disaggregated from the top-level category as they received large entry's in comparison to other styles.

First place beers from the above will advance to the Best of Show Round.
Woohoo... That's a lot of awards and a lot of variety in entries. So nice to be able to enter what ever we like and know that there is a place for it...
Swazi said:
Woohoo... That's a lot of awards and a lot of variety in entries. So nice to be able to enter what ever we like and know that there is a place for it...

That was the point. And with this number of awards plenty of people get to win, and have their brewing talents recognized.

What's great is to see the range that people brew, and haven't had categories to enter into in the past. Every category has been entered, and I expect that there will be even more depth of entries a second time around.
BJCP rules - gotta hate some bits but respect the variety they both represent and encourage. Really good to see so much variety and standards for things to be judged against rather thasn an over-subscribed 'other' category.

Rigorous and practical system for training judges as well, credit where it's due and good to see something being organised along these lines!
Anyone figured out how to print your bottle labels? Help file is blank and my list of entries has no link to print labels, there's a label saying "Be sure to print entry forms and bottle labels for each." but no clear link to do this. A big notice says "Registration has now closed" so is that bit of the site now shut down in which case how do I enter/label beers being brought on the day?

Concerned the ones I'm bringing along can't be labelled properly as it's over-automated.

If anyone's got an example sheet I can probably hack it around or print out to make sure required info is included.
lancsSteve said:
Anyone figured out how to print your bottle labels? Help file is blank and my list of entries has no link to print labels, there's a label saying "Be sure to print entry forms and bottle labels for each." but no clear link to do this. A big notice says "Registration has now closed" so is that bit of the site now shut down in which case how do I enter/label beers being brought on the day?

Concerned the ones I'm bringing along can't be labelled properly as it's over-automated.

If anyone's got an example sheet I can probably hack it around or print out to make sure required info is included.

The solution would be to ask me very nicely to email you them. After the deadline, they aren't printable. As you are one of the few people bringing on the day, you've run into this issue.
Anyone figured out how to print your bottle labels? Help file is blank and my list of entries has no link to print labels, there's a label saying "Be sure to print entry forms and bottle labels for each." but no clear link to do this. A big notice says "Registration has now closed" so is that bit of the site now shut down in which case how do I enter/label beers being brought on the day?
He he he, I had the same problem. I didn't know that the forms disappeared from the site when registration closed. To be fair, Ali didn't either...
The solution would be to ask me very nicely to email you them.
Did this yesterday and had them mailed back straight away... :clap:
Something we need to be aware of for our comp in November.
Mental note to get the web boys to add some extra details in the registration info