My Fermenting 'chamber'

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Fv's on the floor mate. No where near enough room on the shelf. Which is why the floor is a false floor and raised off the concrete. ;) I plan to put the air con on the shelf. When i'm nearly ready to rack of i'll move the FV to the shelf which will give me the height to allow gravity feed via a hose into my cornie's. Good plan? I hope so.

Bloody people have been popping by all day. Got friends coming round for a barbie later too. I've cut the door and just need to brace it and it'll be done. Will hang the door tomorrow and all will be complete, hopefully. The AC unit is just about to be sorted. I found a few old(last year) bottles of beer that i'd forgotten about today so i've got a little bit tipsy-no more use of power tools today now. :roll:
Will upload pic's later. I'm pleased with it all so far. :D
Thats it for me today.

The ceiling on. It was a bit of a PITA as i had to squeeze myself into the gap between the ceiling of the chamber and the roof of my workshop. luckily i'm as thin as a rake or i'd never have done it. :grin:
The door braced and ready for hinges. I managed to get it reasonably flat. I used the flatest piece of ply for this. Clamped, glued and screwed the timbers to the back and hopefully it won't warp too much...

The AC unit sitting on the shelf.

It's facing the wrong way currently but i will wire it in and route the 'exhaust' out of the old window. It's a great little unit and will easily keep the temps in here down to 16C regardless of how hot our summer gets. :pray:
So all i have left to do tomorrow is hang the door and sort out the AC unit. It's a good size chamber and rather than worrying about keeping individual FV's at a steady temp i can just bung them all in here and not worry. In the winter i can install a heater to replace the AC. :cool:

This pic gives you an idea of the space.

As you can see this area will comfortably hold 4 x 50L FV's, possibly 5? Not that i have 4 x 50L FV's. Yet...

NB. Sorry for the poor quality pic's. I'm using a rather cheap P&S cam for this as i have tools and big sheets of ply about. Not the right scenario for my DSLR.
Bloody good job! :clap:

Wish I had the space for such brewery delights :)
Bloody hell, that's big - you could also use that as a spare wardrobe, extra shower cubicle, holiday apartment for the MiL, a few chickens and, I guess as a last resort, somewhere to keep your fermenting beer? (All at the same time!) :lol:
It could have done with being a bit bigger i reckon. :cool:

I plan on getting the door hung and the AC unit fired up today. Have a bit of a sore head though. :roll:
My Fermenting Chamber is now finished, running and i'm very pleased with it. It holds 16C easy. So moved my Shelob's Sting in there for it's last few days of fermenting. :D

Pic's to follow...


Here it is all finshed and running. :D I'm going to re-route the power. I'm pleased with the nice snug fitting door. :cool:
With the door shut it took lierally 3 mintutes and the temp was down to 16C with outside temp here 22C today. :D

The little blobs are paint-i used it when decorating and stuff in a former life.
My SS was due to be racked off today-day ten. So i got a reading with my hydro and it was 1030 :shock: I reckon the chamber gets cold at night and the temp plummets. So i've turned the ac off this evening and got a heater in there and got the temp inside a steady 18C. This has taken a few hours of adjusting but i'm reasonably confident it will be good now. :pray:

I think the drop in nightime temps has sent the yeast to beddies. Possibly even before i moved the FV to my new FC. :hmm:

I was sterilising a cornie so i threw in my stirrer thingy to sanitise. I gave the wort a good rousing, it smelt good. Good as in 'same as other brews'. I'm hoping by raising the temp at night to maintain a steady 18C constant and giving the wort a good rousing the yeast will wake up and finish off the ferment. :pray: :pray: :pray:

I love brewing. :D
Next day it was 1022. Today it was 1018. :thumb:

I've installed a little heater and managed to get the adjustments sorted so i can keep a steady 18C. I forgot to turn ther AC back on the other morning and had to race back at a not too convenient time. Luckily the temps hadn't got too high. 24C. So now the heater and AC run constantly and the FC stays at 18C regardless of outside temp. Very happy now. Untill we get a power cut. :cry:

Next i'm going to get my HLT temp controlled.

I love brewing.

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