Just starting a brew in my Brewzilla Robo Brew and noticed these tiny metal hoops in the bottom of the kettle. This is the second time I've found these. Last time I noticed some after filling the kettle to heat the mash water. I removed those with a sieve and thought they might have come from the garden hose gun that I use to clean out the Robo Brew. This time I spotted them in the bottom of the kettle before adding any water and wiped them out using damp kitchen towel (see pics). Now I'm not so sure they're from the hose gun and worried something is coming apart in the Robo Brew itself. Could it be from the pump?? It's the only bit that I can't see!
Has anyone else had anything like this happen. I was keen to get a beer going today, but don't really want a batch with metal pieces in the beer!
Has anyone else had anything like this happen. I was keen to get a beer going today, but don't really want a batch with metal pieces in the beer!