AG#68 Mk.II Hurricane Porter
Rebrew of my AG#55 Porter - of which I was surprised to notice the other day I've only got a couple of bottles left, and that I brewed it way back in Sept 2020.
But as is usual with my rebrews I've changed pretty much everything!
- This is my first brew using my new recirc pump I've rigged up - I won't go into details here but
I'll add more details later on to the thread here. [EDIT -
post from today is here]
@pilgrimhudd tried the previous version - he liked it but reckoned it could do with more roast. With this in mind I've added 50% more brown malt, chocolate rye malt and crystal malt
- For the crystal malt I split it - normally I go with 250g dark crystal 80L, but this time I've done 125g each dark crystal 80L, extra dark crystal 160L and Special-B.
- I'm not sure if Special-B is technically a crystal malt - it tasted quite roasty to me but I think it'll make a tasty beer.
- Last time I used CML Beoir but this time I've gone for a split batch with MJ M36 and WY1318 - I think both will add some interesting fruitiness, will be interested to see howw they compare.
- I normally rip and dump dry yeast but this time I prepared vitality starters for both strains.
16L tap water, 1.25ml lactic acid 80%, 2g CaCl, half a Campden tablet.
Calcium 169, Chloride 102, Sulfate 40, Alkalinity 292
2000g Golden Promise Malt
375g Brown Malt
50g Chocolate Malt (remains of an old bag...)
325g Chocolate Rye Malt (...and avoiding opening a new bag)
125g Dark Crystal Malt 80L
125g Extra Dark Crystal Malt 160L
125g Special B Malt
3.125kg Total
Full-volume no-sparge mash, 70mins
Nominally @ 67degC - using new recirc pump setup, it seemed to vary between 64-68degC
Boil 30mins:
25g Northdown 7.5% AAU 30mins
15g Northdown 7.5% AAU 10mins
1/2 Protofloc tablet 5mins
10L in the FV @ OG 1.051 plus 3L crud in bottles which will yield a bit more.
1.051 is a couple of points higher than I expected and according to BF it looks like the efficiency was higher than normal. Best guess this is a consequence of the mash recirc system??? Anyway I liquored back in the FV with 1L of cooled boiled tap water bringing it down to 1.046.
I would be very interested to try it full strength (actually stronger still with only 15 rather than 16L water) but I just don't want to make that much strong beer. So I'll set a challenge to
@pilgrimhudd to take that one on as stronger beers seem to be more his cup of tea
Anyway I split the wort roughly in half between two FV's - I'm really interested to see how these two strain compare:
- The first in the brew fridge along with the Tilt and a pitch of MJ M36.
- The second in a cool spot with a pitch of WY1318 slurry.
36 SRM (according to BF at least - held up to the light it looks more brown)
29 IBUs Rager
OG 1.046
I really don't know where this will end up - my dark beers in particular lately have had really unpredictable FG's, or at least a lot higher than predicted. It'll be interesting to see if the mash recirc system affects the FG - anyway, I'm hoping as usual for somewhere in the 4.0-4.5% ABV range. Wort tastes nice - I think it's definitely a bit more roasty and less sweet than previous versions.