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lol whenever I've tried my kveiks from the FV they're actually horrible. Really warm flat beer! I try and discern the good flavours and any potential off flavours.
Well that's a good sign if mine tastes alright at the minute 😅
Ok so I just tried a taste of my Oslo brew.. sort of a pseudo lager-y type thing (but with pale malt as I didn't have any lager malt in stock) and there's a definite hint of banana coming through. Is this likely to age out do you think? It's not unpleasant, but I didn't expect to have that in there as Oslo's supposed to be pretty clean.
Sorry I can't answer the question but I look at it this way, banana it's one of your 5 a day.
Giving my plastic Stranda another go.

It's getting better! A little plastic to begin but it fades as you drink it. No smell.

Not great, but drinkable.
Just because kveik will condition and carbonate your beer in less than a fortnight doesn't mean it's at its best after a fortnight. I made some Simonds bitter early this year with Opshaug and it tasted ok, but not as good as the previous batch I'd knocked up with West Yorks. Tasted a bottle yesterday and it's every bit as good as the old batch and with a slightly cleaner, fresher taste.
So far. I've only tried White Labs Opshaug and Lallemand Voss. I'm very impressed with the Opshaug, but only just started my second brew with the Voss, so the jury's out.
Finally got my Stranda NEIPA on yesterday.

I was debating whether to use Stranda or Oslo due to the plastic I got from Stranda my first time around, and after tasting the starter beer with no off tastes I went for Stranda.

Glad I did! I went to dry hop this morning and was greeted by the most amazing smell. Tropical, mango, and a hint of banana. No off smells whatsoever. The brew is roaring with activity, like someone had emptied a whole bottle of coke in there in one go. It's at 25°C at the moment, no TC. I'll check the gravity on Thursday when I add the second dry hop.
Finally got my Stranda NEIPA on yesterday.

I was debating whether to use Stranda or Oslo due to the plastic I got from Stranda my first time around, and after tasting the starter beer with no off tastes I went for Stranda.

Glad I did! I went to dry hop this morning and was greeted by the most amazing smell. Tropical, mango, and a hint of banana. No off smells whatsoever. The brew is roaring with activity, like someone had emptied a whole bottle of coke in there in one go. It's at 25°C at the moment, no TC. I'll check the gravity on Thursday when I add the second dry hop.
That sounds good. I'm particularly impressed with how well behaved the Voss is. I filled up my nominally 11 litre fermenter with 12 litres, which took it to about 3 cm from the top. Pitched and left the lid loose, expecting the worst. No problem, still got a cm to play with. With any other yeast, I'd be scraping it off the ceiling. Made another brew of the same volume in a similar fermenter and put some of the head from the earlier brew in there. Pitched at 35C. The surface was covered and the new head about half its final thickness within 2 hours. Again, no danger of overflow. Amazing stuff.
Of course I haven't tasted either, yet.
I'm planning to use Lallemand Voss for an Imperial Stout which will be the first time I've used kveik. Has anyone successfully harvested the Voss dry yeast and if you have, what's the best way?
Hi, a couple of questions please.

I made a hoppy APA, using WHC hornindial Kveik a few weeks ago. I have some top cropped yeast in the fridge from when I brewed this.
I have ordered some more ingredients from GEB to make this again, with some slight changes. How much of this top cropped yeast should I use please? And can I just spoon it straight into the wort?
I have about an inch of yeast in the bottom of the jam jar.

Second question is can I also use this in a stout?
I have ordered the oatmeal stout AG kit from GEB also. This kit comes with a Nottingham yeast. I fancy using the Kveik in this as well for speed and ease of fermentation temp control.
Do you think this will work? I know some of you have done stouts with other Kveik strains, but I can’t find anyone who has done so with the Hornindial.

Don't know about the APA, but it'll go fine in a stout. I put a couple of teaspoonsful of the thick yeast paste in. Some say you should underpitch, but it seems to work fine with a lot.
Don't know about the APA, but it'll go fine in a stout. I put a couple of teaspoonsful of the thick yeast paste in. Some say you should underpitch, but it seems to work fine with a lot.

If it just needs a couple of teaspoons I’ll have enough to use it in both brews. My last APA came out really nice with this yeast, but did need a couple of weeks in the keg to condition.
Hmm curious. No furious bubbling or massive krausen for either of my two brews: impy stout and pale ale. Just a big cookie crust on the former brew.
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Update on my Ubbe lager.... Yeast was pitched late on Friday afternoon (no starter, straight from the pack). Took a sample lastnight and it was down from 1.054 to 1.008. Have switched off the heat and will give it a few days to pack up at the bottom before bottling/kegging.
Yesterday I brewed a Voss (farmhouse) IPA using homegrown hops from last year (need to make room in my freezer for this year's batch!) but it's taken close to 24 hours for me to see any activity. As I write I can see the first signs of life.

Today I'm brewing a pilsner with Oslo. I might give Skare another go as a lager yeast. I read in another forum someone got really good results fermenting it at 25c.
Checked the gravity and dry hopped my Stranda NEIPA this morning.

Down to target gravity at 1.011 and smells like tropical fruit juice, tastes like it too with a lingering bitter finish. I'm looking forward to this beer!
Just took a sample of my Oslo pils, it's still mid ferment but tastes awful! Kind of like almonds and cardboard. If this was a regular yeast I'd chuck it because of infection, but wondering if this is characteristic of a mid ferment Oslo?
Just took a sample of my Oslo pils, it's still mid ferment but tastes awful! Kind of like almonds and cardboard. If this was a regular yeast I'd chuck it because of infection, but wondering if this is characteristic of a mid ferment Oslo?
Could the almonds be yeast in suspension? Had a sample of a brett beer halfway through and it was unpleasant. I never normally sample anything until its fermented so rather short on advice.
Could the almonds be yeast in suspension? Had a sample of a brett beer halfway through and it was unpleasant. I never normally sample anything until its fermented so rather short on advice.
Nor do I really, but hearing how Oslo ferments out in 3 days at 37c I was curious. It's been 2 days and has dropped from 1050 to 1040 which leads me to believe that's not Oslo fermenting my wort.

Got this from an eBay seller. It is a risk buying these strains from eBay as it's done in someone's kitchen as opposed to a lab, I got unlucky this time. Will let the guy know though.

I'm looking for a good lager kveik. Skare has big orange flavours, but might see what happens with cooler fermentations, next I'll try Opshaug again, might have some left over. Seeing how I get on with those I might find a working Oslo and I think Ubbe is a clean strain.
Just took a sample of my Oslo pils, it's still mid ferment but tastes awful! Kind of like almonds and cardboard. If this was a regular yeast I'd chuck it because of infection, but wondering if this is characteristic of a mid ferment Oslo?

That's bizarre - I only ever get those flavours/odours from finished, oxidised beer. Definitely sounds like something wrong with the yeast - maybe a stuck fermentation and subsequent oxidation, because presumably you aerated the yeast and the oxygen is not being consumed by the yeast?

Mid-post edit: Are you comfortable sharing which eBay vendor you got the Oslo from? I got some last week and I am concerned it might be the same vendor/batch.

That's bizarre - I only ever get those flavours/odours from finished, oxidised beer. Definitely sounds like something wrong with the yeast - maybe a stuck fermentation and subsequent oxidation, because presumably you aerated the yeast and the oxygen is not being consumed by the yeast?

Mid-post edit: Are you comfortable sharing which eBay vendor you got the Oslo from? I got some last week and I am concerned it might be the same vendor/batch.

My other Voss beer from the same vendor has the same flavours, definitely pointing towards dead yeast. I think they are relatively new and don't want to name and shame so I'll pm you.

I have a 3rd yeast from the same seller, I think I'll chuck it.

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