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Hi @Joust and @jceg316
... it's, not so much what isn't in apples that makes the cider different, as what is :?: ... weirdly, it probably is still the case that you have a lactic acid bacteria (LAB) infection in that yeast, but whereas the LAB will have been creating lactic acid to make your beers taste sour, in (already sour) apple juice it also converts the (more sour) malic acid to lactic acid and de-acidifies the finished cider and softens the taste :?:
More info there (link)

Cheers, PhilB
Thanks for the link, makes sense about LAB in cider and I'm now interested in wild fermenting my ciders.
Some people say that kveik can drop the ph more than other yeasts so i wonder if that is what people are experiencing. I have made wheat beers with Voss that were slightly sour before. If you want to post sour make a lacto starter and pitch after fermentation and hop after.
Some people say that kveik can drop the ph more than other yeasts so i wonder if that is what people are experiencing. I have made wheat beers with Voss that were slightly sour before. If you want to post sour make a lacto starter and pitch after fermentation and hop after.
It could be.
Is there a good example of sour beer I could buy from the shop?
In the supermarkets you'll find a few decent kettle sours, such a Thornbridge Florida Weisse. For more traditional mixed fermentation sours you'll likely need to go into an independent beer shop. That being said, Waitrose sells Boon Oude Gueuze and Kriek beer.
Some people say that kveik can drop the ph more than other yeasts so i wonder if that is what people are experiencing. I have made wheat beers with Voss that were slightly sour before. If you want to post sour make a lacto starter and pitch after fermentation and hop after.

I've said this before but I definitely get a soft citrusy vinegar tang with pretty much everything I brew with Lallemand Voss. It's not unpleasant at all, a little bit like bitter marmalade, but it jars with anything that is supposed to have a malty backbone. I wonder if it's worth bringing up the chloride to sulphate ratio a little, using a little less CRS to treat mash liquor and replacing it with CaCl2. It won't help with the acidity but it might help with the perception of sourness/bitterness.
What are people's experience with omega honicidal? I have used it in a ipa and the starter smelt great, strong mandarin flavour. The ipa was supposed to be clear but it's fermented really hazy which is fine, but looking at the recipe it's the yeast that as caused it. There is a sweet taste to the drink, more so when it's chilled. It's ok but overpowers the hops a lot.
It could be.
Is there a good example of sour beer I could buy from the shop?

Follow Beer_DD2's advice. I very seldom buy beer but last lot was from beersniffers.co.uk who seem very low on stock now.

I've said this before but I definitely get a soft citrusy vinegar tang with pretty much everything I brew with Lallemand Voss. It's not unpleasant at all, a little bit like bitter marmalade, but it jars with anything that is supposed to have a malty backbone. I wonder if it's worth bringing up the chloride to sulphate ratio a little, using a little less CRS to treat mash liquor and replacing it with CaCl2. It won't help with the acidity but it might help with the perception of sourness/bitterness.

Never had an aecetic twang, more of a lemon thing. Perhaps @strange-steve can advise about water chemistry. Never used CRS as i make mine up from RO. I tend not to use sulphate or if i do i go for 50ppm of each. Perhaps it interacts with certain hops more than others. Probably a high amount of wheat in those beers of mine too. I thought vinegar took a while to get going (i make it) but i have had yeast contaminated with vinegar that had to be ditched and produced it during fermentation. Lallemand cant be though so its odd. I really should try and dry some so i can share it.
Never had an aecetic twang, more of a lemon thing. Perhaps @strange-steve can advise about water chemistry. Never used CRS as i make mine up from RO. I tend not to use sulphate or if i do i go for 50ppm of each. Perhaps it interacts with certain hops more than others. Probably a high amount of wheat in those beers of mine too. I thought vinegar took a while to get going (i make it) but i have had yeast contaminated with vinegar that had to be ditched and produced it during fermentation. Lallemand cant be though so its odd. I really should try and dry some so i can share it.

My water is quite hard but not so bad that I can't make a pale beer with CRS without putting too many unwanted salts in it, so I tend to just do that. I could be luckier with my local water but at least I get a decent sulphate to chloride ratio (I think anyway! 27:27 ppm before any treatment), but I have never adjusted towards one or the other so I think this will be my starting point with this yeast.
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Whoah, I'm jumping on the Kveik bandwagon!

Planning a summer Kveik Golden Ale to brew this Friday seeing as the weather will be in my favour to maintain a high fermentation temperature. As I only use dry yeasts I'll be using the Lallemand Voss. I'm planning a simple grain bill 50/50 low colour MO/lager malt, with just a 60min bittering charge to 20IBU using Apollo (I live on a street called Apollo Gardens, so have wanted to develop Apollo ale) so as I can get a feel for what the yeast can offer. Will pitch and ferment at 35ºC and plan to split the batch after primary, leaving half as is for 'evaluation' purposes (and for those who might like a more 'lager like' ale) and, to keep the space/astronomy theme going, dry hop the other half with some Ekuanot.

What do you think? 😬
Question on Yeasterbunny voss kveik yeast bought off ebay. Has anybody here used it? I tried it on my first batch and two things happened: 1) explosive fermentation, and 2) a really bad smell almost like sulphur during fermentation. After 36 hours it stopped bubbling and when I did a gravity reading it had gone from 1.059 to 1.050. Tasting it I couldn't get that much sugar. It definitely hadn't settled yet either, and it tasted as bad as it smelt. I ditched this batch. I tried it again on another batch of IPA with the same result. Not going to ditch this batch. Has anyone experienced anything similar?
Question on Yeasterbunny voss kveik yeast bought off ebay. Has anybody here used it? I tried it on my first batch and two things happened: 1) explosive fermentation, and 2) a really bad smell almost like sulphur during fermentation. After 36 hours it stopped bubbling and when I did a gravity reading it had gone from 1.059 to 1.050. Tasting it I couldn't get that much sugar. It definitely hadn't settled yet either, and it tasted as bad as it smelt. I ditched this batch. I tried it again on another batch of IPA with the same result. Not going to ditch this batch. Has anyone experienced anything similar?
I have a batch of Lida kviek bubbling away at the moment and it is also kicking off a bit of an eggy pong! Did a gravity reading this morning and it's down from 1.056 to 1.030 in a little over 24 hours and it tastes ok. Wouldn't enter it in a competition but also don't want to chuck down the sink so that's a win I guess?? Read on a few other threads on here that Kviek smells during fermentation so I'm not too worried just yet. Mrs isn't overly thrilled mind!!
I have a batch of Lida kviek bubbling away at the moment and it is also kicking off a bit of an eggy pong! Did a gravity reading this morning and it's down from 1.056 to 1.030 in a little over 24 hours and it tastes ok. Wouldn't enter it in a competition but also don't want to chuck down the sink so that's a win I guess?? Read on a few other threads on here that Kviek smells during fermentation so I'm not too worried just yet. Mrs isn't overly thrilled mind!!
Mine has been at for close on 36 hours now. Its only gone down 9 points. Didn't have any problems with the Lallemand Kveik voss though.
Anyone have sour, acetic kinda of off smells using Voss isolate? I may be trying the beer I made too early (3 days after pitch) but its something I have noticed before.
Anyone have sour, acetic kinda of off smells using Voss isolate? I may be trying the beer I made too early (3 days after pitch) but its something I have noticed before.

Yeah see above if you mean Lallemand Voss. It's a really soft acetic quality but it is there. It might just be the Voss finishing out on the acidic side. Might be worth playing around with water chemistry to get the maltiness up to balance it out.
1 hour into fermentation using the dried Lallemand Voss yeast and it's taken rather quick by the looks of it


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36+hrs in to my first ferment with the Lallemand Voss on my simple 50/50 MO/Lager malt golden ale and still plenty of activity going on. Not quite as much as yesterday but still bubbling every 1-2 secs and a nice head of bubbles (though high Krausen must have been over 24 hrs ago). It did have a larger Krausen than I’m used to and it was bubbling like a toddler’s bum yesterday morning (I have toddler twins, so this is an apt comparison), but, from all the talk, I was half expecting the active stage to be over by now. I pitched at 35° and am hoping it’s stayed no less than 30ish wrapped in my improvised heat jacket with a heat belt on a timer (ambient in my brew space has stayed mid 20s throughout). Half a pack of the yeast sprinkled at pitching temp + an out of date pack of yeast added to boil as nutrient. Fermentation started in a couple of hours.

I’m not using the Kveik for speed, so that’s not a problem, but so far I’m not seeing much difference in the active fermentation stage from most other dried yeasts I’ve used. So, is it the secondary, cleaning up stage of the ferment I should expect to see time savings? Or what? 😁

It does smell lovely. Fruity and, um, beery!


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I’m not using the Kveik for speed, so that’s not a problem, but so far I’m not seeing much difference in the active fermentation stage from most other dried yeasts I’ve used. So, is it the secondary, cleaning up stage of the ferment I should expect to see time savings? Or what? 😁
This is my second time using Kveik Voss and the first one (an APA) was finished and cold crashed in 5 days (no dry hop). I blast carbed overnight and I was drinking it on the 6th day, I temp controlled it at 35°. Yesterdays brew (another APA) started to ferment a few hours in and when I checked it this morning the blibber was going crazy. This one is also at 35°, pitched yeast at 38°.
Question on Yeasterbunny voss kveik yeast bought off ebay. Has anybody here used it? I tried it on my first batch and two things happened: 1) explosive fermentation, and 2) a really bad smell almost like sulphur during fermentation. After 36 hours it stopped bubbling and when I did a gravity reading it had gone from 1.059 to 1.050. Tasting it I couldn't get that much sugar. It definitely hadn't settled yet either, and it tasted as bad as it smelt. I ditched this batch. I tried it again on another batch of IPA with the same result. Not going to ditch this batch. Has anyone experienced anything similar?

I bought some Hornindal from them and it took a while to get going in a starter. Not sure why but i would always make a starter and check it for attenuation. Not sure about sulphur, i get that from lager yeast but it disappears after a while.

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