How do we know it's the same size as the Brewdevil? Not doubting you, i just saw 40cm on the Mundschenk specs.It's 348mm, the size is shown on this false bottom for the Brewdevil version.
You would need to sink it in after the mash so it doesn't prevent recirculation of grain particles that fall through the bottom of malt pipe.
Really helpful thanks.I just went and measured mine and 348mm looks like a good fit. I did however noticed there is a couple mm less space needed to fit past the the bar that the malt pipe hooks on to but it the false bottom is a flexible it could bend past that. The Brewdevil false bottom design probably has taken this into account.
I think the 40cm in the specs includes the ball valve.
The grain thing is a big design challenge. Some machines decided to make the mesh on the malt finer to prevent anything getting through which slows down the recirc too much. Other machines went with bigger holes but now have had to add second false bottom to help with heating up the faster flowing recirc. I think a redesign will come, e.g. where you can switch pump inlet between no filter for mash and filtered for transfer.
I think you are right about the overflow pipe. On my first brew I mistakenly left the white plastic cap on the pipe and my pump worked for whirlpool.The one and only time I've used the kettle so far was for a NEIPA which required the first hop addition at flameout. Whirlpool worked fine but I don't know if stuff went in during the boil that would change things.
My spider is quite fine though.
I made sure I kept the top on the grain pipe which stopped the grain going down the overflow.
My previous converted kettle used to struggle if grains went over the side of the grain pipe. My experience of that was that grains blocked worse than hops.
Next brew will be a usual brew with hops during the boil so will see how that goes.
That's really helpful thanks.I planned to do no sparge and started with 15L. However after I lifted the malt pipe and it drained I tasted the grains and I was a bit annoyed how sweet they still tasted (I even had done a mash out) so I quickly dechlorinated 1L of sparge water and used that. Pre-boil was about 12-13L and I boiled it down to around 10-11L and filled my fermenter to 9.5L with no trub going in. I probably have filled my 10L fermenter too full and the krausen will probably come out the airlock soon! I use the Fermenter Genius 10L (geterbrewed) a repurposed milk jug Fustini demetra from an Italian plastics company.
I measured 7.4L water below the malt pipe. So smallest brew would probably start with 10L and target a 6L batch size maybe with 1.5Kg grain.
Fyi there is also 2.6L below the tap outlet so you will need to empty via the pump inlet.