I thought in their calculations that Engineers always 'added a bit' as a safety margin.Wow, thanks for all the ideas guys. I hadn't thought of combining the two ideas. I'm very jealous of that set up @Hazelwood Brewery !
The bottle of gas I've got is food grade because it came from the student union at work (I work at a university) so no worries there. No idea how much is in it, it's been at the back of the shed for about 15 years! I'll dig it out and see if it fits my argon regulator. Plenty at work if it doesn't though.
The cider is bubbling away quite the thing just now but I made a massive miscalculation and it's looking like it will be around 10%abv..... Oops! For an engineer I'm terrible at maths haha.
But I suppose that extra alcohol head-room in your cider won't have the same safety factor outcome!