ok drink quicker
i think i need an extra arm and mouth to keep up with output
Just brewing! :-)
Actually walking, cycling, camping, music/singing, politics. I'm thinking of having a dabble at some basic art, try to exorcise the demons of my school art experiences. And learning a musical instrument. Since I'm being made redundant on 23 October!
Did i ask you to catch me a big salmon when i was a mod lol
darts league
pool league
ridiculously collect music vinyl.. stones, zep, dylan, cream, hendrix etc. love smashing cd's to bits.
play keyboards in a very average 60's cover band. (average is being polite)
used to play rugby, poorly. now support the club by boosting the bar income.
read one history/military history book a month.
read one 'classic' novel a month.
football/cricket/rugby on tv . like everyone, i'm an expert... obviously.
and. I collect unusual ashtrays. yes. I know.
You did. Unfortunately the Wiley blighters are eluding me at the moment...
If I ever do catch one though you will be the first to know that it will be going straight into my oven !
Steve, the ashtrays sort of have a purpose.
I converted our cellar to our party room, 'the Pissup Parlour'.
Nothing grand, our old fridge, our old sofas, our old telly for skysports, dartboard, music and of course ashtrays. So, I started looking for daft ashtrays and it's sort of continued.
Much more important is that I've found a lovely spot for the pressure barrel and hope to get the Wherry in it sooner than later.
Enjoy the simple (ie. cheap) things in life.
Go for a walk, take some photos, pick some mushrooms or fruit for jam (I suppose I will be adding for wine soon).
I hang out on a forum about vaping (e-cigs) planetofthevapes.co.uk though now I have settled on my kit and have learned all I need to mix my diy e-liquid then I spend less time there.
This past week has been mostly spent enjoying the sound of bubbles coming from the kitchen (the simple things in life)
Did any of the Mod team find my hammer as i seem to have left it behind, if its not to much trouble could one of you guys post it out to me:wink: