I actually have lager malt so might just use that up. Given I already have the hops, this is turning out to be a pretty cheap first attempt at AG!
Win win! :thumb:
I actually have lager malt so might just use that up. Given I already have the hops, this is turning out to be a pretty cheap first attempt at AG!
Win win! :thumb:
10 litre AG, possibly more with a bit of jiggery pokery, adding sparge wort as the level drops in the boil.
Or you can do a 5 gallon partial mash brew by making 10 litres of AG wort, and adding extract and cold water to the FV to make up a 20-25 litre partial mash beer. This makes pretty much AG quality beer, dry extract seems to be better to me and you can use the exact weight you want. You obviously add enough hops in the boil for the full amount of beer you are making. Adding 10-15 litres cold water to the FV also enables you to get down to pitching temperature quickly.
So basically brew up a can type one, and add this on top of the grain wort after the boil
Either add the grain wort to a kit can, or add it to straight malt extract. I would recommend using straight dry malt extract. My best partial mash results have come that way.
Never got to hb shop, so built a 30 ltr boiler with some old kettles and a mash tun from a cool box
Gawd knows what it will come out like!
2KG Maris Otter
100G Choc Malt
100G Flaked Barley
100G Roasted Barley
20G EKG hops for the 60 minutes boil
10G EKG at ten mins left of boil.
Wilko ale yeast.
Game on! Love the experimenting, cost me about 4 bob, but priceless time with son.
Thanks clibit.