grain v kits

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One day I'm sure I will move over to AG, ChrisG keeps edging me closer!

I just do lagers and it would be great to make ones to your taste.

I can play about with the kits, adding different hops which does help and I am happy with most of the kits i've done up to now.

Once I clear my garage out (been saying this for years) I might get the equipment and give it a go.

My kegs I ordered from Norman are on their way so that'll give me something to do once they arrive!!! A beer pump in the kitchen is next :)
thanks for all your replies gettin closer and closer to getting all my ag equipment together, going to try Your First AG Brew - A Guided Tour by brewstew in the how to section,getting the ingredients this weekend from local hbs quite excited :D
I haven't done an AG yet. But Sun. is my first. I'll let you know how it goes post my pictures and hardships. I want to do it for most of the reasons others have said. Tweaking recipes and the tinkering of equipment. And the price is awesome. it works out to about .40$ a bottle and if I bought good micro it'd be about 1.50$ to 2.00$ a bottle. And I'm spoiled now. No way I can drink cheap beer anymore.
Kits are total dog egg compared with AG you can get AG ingredients cheaper than a kit aswell. i usualy take 6 hrs ish but its well worh the time and its a plesure to do. Go for it :D
I`m drinking a chimay red and planning my AG version as I sip and appreciate this fine beer, If I could brew everyday for a year I would still enjoy it and have other recipes and styles I wanted to try. I started with kits (20plus) untill I had the confidence and knowledge to go AG, i learnt everythinig from this forum and its fine members :thumb:

I don`t think anyone is knocking kits but if you are really into the brewing then AG is the natural progression that I would highly reccomend..........................just hope you have an understanding other half :lol:
hi guys thanks to everyone, did my first ag sunday!!! well pleased with my self!!!tastes good already, all went ok i will keep you posted with end product :cheers:
topgear said:
hi guys thanks to everyone, did my first ag sunday!!! well pleased with my self!!!tastes good already, all went ok i will keep you posted with end product :cheers:

That's the thing that absolutely amazed me.

I did only my second AG on Sunday, used hop bags in the boil and ended up with a blocked tap, so in the end I jugged into the FV and ended up with a huge quantity of cold break protein in the fermenter.

So tonight I double dropped. I took a crafty gravity reading as I was transferring, and was staggered to discover that it had raced down to 1016 from 1052 OG - in just 48 hours.

I supped the hundred mls or so in my measuring cylinder - it tasted utterly divine - already.
Well I have today started buying my AG equipment and ingredients......

I will hopefully get it all set up in the next few weeks (once I make space in the garage), get my recipes made up and start brewing.

I'm like a kid again :D
Brew in a Bag (BIAB) isn't really discussed much on this particular forum, but it's an increasingly popular method of producing all grain wort using a single vessel and a bag to fit. You can easily crank out a batch in around 4 hours. As mentioned, it's simply an alternative wort production method and the resulting beer is as good as any other all grain method as long as the brewer has a good background in sanitation, temperature control, yeast management and all the other aspects of brewing. Googling "brew in a bag" should unearth a wealth of sites and information.