General election

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Which party will you vote for

  • Labour

  • Conservative

  • Reform

  • Green

  • SNP

  • Lib Dem

  • Still on the fence.

  • Plaid cymru

  • Local Independant

Results are only viewable after voting.
I agree, although I’m going to be optimistic for a day or two at least.

There’s things they can do, like immediately review planning applications, but most things are going to require a budget.
Very similar here in N. Ireland, for change to happen we need to generate money. Unfortunately most of it is poverty, so introducing tax increases/ rates/ water chargers is a sure way to losing votes. Rock and a hard place
Nigel Farage!

Labour 391

Tory 99

LD 7

SF 7

Reform 4

68 to go.

These are the only parties listed on BBC feel free to add your own to the list.
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Labour didn't win the election the Tories lost it, I blame the musical chairs of leadership, same thing happened here in Oz, to both parties. The electorate doesn't like it. A stable government is the key, the elected leader needs to see out their term, no chopping and changing.
Labour didn't win the election the Tories lost it, I blame the musical chairs of leadership, same thing happened here in Oz, to both parties. The electorate doesn't like it. A stable government is the key, the elected leader needs to see out their term, no chopping and changing.
Agreed, and I think that is the case more often than not.
Labour didn't win the election the Tories lost it, I blame the musical chairs of leadership, same thing happened here in Oz, to both parties. The electorate doesn't like it. A stable government is the key, the elected leader needs to see out their term, no chopping and changing.
Utter tosh. @foxy, like most of what you write. Of course they won.

Even if Starmer did scrape in by the skin if his teeth, it's still a win. 🤣

Not for you, though.
I'm so happy to have a fresh faced labour MP the old conservative one had been there since like ABBA were in the charts change is good buckle up
Some might argue that a couple of pints of my Toolmaker Best Bitter would make an excellent start to the day. Who's round is it? 😂😂
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Labour didn't win the election the Tories lost it, I blame the musical chairs of leadership, same thing happened here in Oz, to both parties. The electorate doesn't like it. A stable government is the key, the elected leader needs to see out their term, no chopping and changing.
It is almost as if all that back stabbing and power grabbing and behaviours caught up with them.

Still, you need to have some kind of plausible opposition or you still get back in, look at Biden Trump.

I say this as someone who doesn;t really care for Tories and not convinced by Labour at all.. Never have done. But I hope at least we can have a government that can at least make a plausible effort to pretend they care.
Fewer votes than in 2019 but Labour wins by a country mile.

Proportional representation cannot come quick enough, if ever.
Yep, and we might actually have people voting more and more and see some real investment into what could drive great leaderships and not power grabs.. But The turkeys will not vote for xmas.

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