forum support and paypal user wanted

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Dec 15, 2019
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Hi all, as you know you can buy other members their subscriptions for this forum as a supporter, as well as your own sssupport dues.

Unfortunutly it must be paid via paypal, no other method is allowed.

Which i dont have and never ever will do, neither do family or friends. In fact we are extreamly anti paypal.

So heres my ask. Is there anyone here on the forum that has a paypal account?

I will send you the cash, tennors in a birthday card, pound coins strapped to a carrier Osprey, or bank transfer. in return you buy me a subscription to the forum and send it back please.

PM me if your willing to help me out subscribe to the forum please
Hi Pete, i will ask Angie (our American Admin) to look at the thread she may be able to sort something.
I have to admit that idea of gifting the Supporting Membership is a good way to get around it.
If @hedgerowpete can get US funds and wants to use the post office and mail them, that would work and I can update as soon as mailed. If you want to do that let me know.

I'm willing to work with you.
If you donate by Paypal or mail, all you need to do is let me know and I manually upgrade you to supporting member.
But, If I don't know you did it, I cannot upgrade you.
I don't think you need a PayPal account to use them to make a payment. You can usually opt to pay with a credit or debit card via a link on the landing page. Not sure if this will be acceptable to you either but thought it worth mentioning.
Posts removed.

The OP doesn't want to use PayPal and is asking for help to become a supporting member having a go at him for not wanting to use PP is not on, please don't post in the thread unless you can help.
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Happy to help out in exchange for a beer swap at Hedgerowpete’s convenience :beer1:
Must be the subscription is the issue. Was able to get lifetime support without need to create PayPal account.

A few years ago several members were given lifetime supporting member status as a thank you for their activity on the forum, this hasn't happened for a long time so all the new supporting members you see are paying to support the forum.
Thanks everyone, Angie has offerme an address for a birthday card delivery to resolve the issue, Kelper is in second place lest the colonials shut the boards in case of Kung Flu being posted to them from China on birthday cards.

sorry i missed the trol and paypal comments, thanks for deleting it admin, top stuff.

to Lawernce and Brian and others, Many years ago i used to find that the paypal option gave you two ways to pay.You can do so without an account and it would take your credit card number. Or via your own account and linked bank details and credit card numbers. I find now that option does not exist alot of the time and your forced to open an account and as such leads you to financal commitment to paypals whims.

After losing as much money as i have i wont ever make that mistake again, with paypal.

The option i thought was the easiest was to give the dosh to someone and they buy a gift membership for me, its a bit crude but would work well. bank transfer the dosh or send a birthday card. its a few quid more but, gets around the paypal options.

Many thanks all that have offered help
If you donate by Paypal or mail, all you need to do is let me know and I manually upgrade you to supporting member.
But, If I don't know you did it, I cannot upgrade you.
@Angie Please can you advise how to donate by mail for a 1 year supporting member, as I also don't want to use Paypal. Many thanks
I hope not, @hedgerowpete . Reason I haven't joined before was because of Paypal, so seeing this thread gave me the opportunity to ask about joining/donating. I've benefitted a lot from using this forum, including your wise words!
A few years ago several members were given lifetime supporting member status as a thank you for their activity on the forum, this hasn't happened for a long time so all the new supporting members you see are paying to support the forum.

Not sure why mine was ever taken away

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