Chairman of the Bored
I think they'd soon suss if every month they saw loads of 2 pounds going into my account
Another potential problem I've discovered; Paypal consider raffles (lotteries) 'prohibited activites' so I have to get permission to use my paypal account. If they say no I might just open a seperate bank account todo bank transfers and use that just for the raffles
I think they'd soon suss if every month they saw loads of 2 pounds going into my account
They won't care and won't notice. There are a lot more sinister goings on through Paypal. Plus I used to sell a lot on Ebay, just what ever the trend was. Once I was selling those Live Strong bands at a couple a quid a pop so that is similar, plus we can just mark it as sponsorship.
When people send you money just get them to select friends and family and it will be ok.
Also means lazy bones here doesn't have to divvy up a 25kg bag into SMaSH packs
Or get them down to the Post Office, a fate worse than death.
I've seen what were obviuosly Ebay sellers with sacks and sacks of parcels trying to get them all weighed up and sent. Absolute nightmare
I agree that most on this forum would trust you with the random number generator (me included). However, I have done this sort of thing many times at work, sweepstakes, football predictions etc. If you, the organisor, wins, there is always someone who pipes up with 'fix'. I assume you will be entering as you set this sort of thing up so you must love a gamble as I do. My advice to you would be to make the validity of the draw as solid as possible. I don't have any knowledge of these number gererators. To cover your back is there some way entrants can see its definatley random?
I think there has to be a element of trust
We are only talking a couple of pounds after all