Farrage on NATO

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I thought A10 are due to be decommissioned, why not give them away?
I also watched one video that claimed a competing design that lost in tender to A10 was stolen by USSR and converted to Su-25

They keep saying that about the A10 but they keep bringing it back had major upgrades with new wings and engines its a fearsome beast and built like tank excuse the pun!
The new wings and superstructures are good until at least 2040 and the F35 was meant to replace it but nothing fly's as slow or low as it can cruise at 300 knots and skin along the surface. It can operate from very short rough runways and can carry a silly amount of smart bombs, guided missiles plus of course that beast of gun that can fire depleted uranium shells. It has been upgraded continually and they have plenty of them.
The US refused stating they would be cannon fodder to Russian air defences as they as so slow, this may be the case, who knows.
It has legendary status among ground troops and the challenge was set to show what can replace it, hence why its still in service as simply nothing else like it.

About the only thing it has in common with the Su-25 is the titanium bath tub that protects the pilot the A10 fly's slower and has that massive gun if the bombs, rockets and missiles don' take out the target.

Yes utterly useless against a missile attack, but they way its built it can fly shot to pieces and has so many redundancies that they nearly always get home.

Think the real reason is as A US only plane, arming Ukraine with may escalate the conflict.
Watched another infortainment programme yesterday on YouTube about current state of warfare - drone warfare changed the way countries fight current and future conflicts
They also discussed the complexities of jaming drones
I wonder what NATO is doing to protect us
Watched another infortainment programme yesterday on YouTube about current state of warfare - drone warfare changed the way countries fight current and future conflicts
They also discussed the complexities of jaming drones
I wonder what NATO is doing to protect us
What is nato doing same as the UN nothing
What is nato doing same as the UN nothing

Sorry not true we have developed advanced tracking and sighting systems for NATO rifles to shoot down small drones.

Have developed directed energy weapons that track and destroy larger drone and missiles

Have developed jammers for drones, look up they worked very well until the enemy changed the control frequencies, this is a cat n mouse game that keeps going.

The big game changer in Ukraine is the small off the shelf drones they are expendable as they are cheap so volume of numbers means they are effective when jury rigged with high explosives.

Defence does a lot behind the scenes that only cone out years later
They keep saying that about the A10 but they keep bringing it back had major upgrades with new wings and engines its a fearsome beast and built like tank excuse the pun!
The new wings and superstructures are good until at least 2040 and the F35 was meant to replace it but nothing fly's as slow or low as it can cruise at 300 knots and skin along the surface. It can operate from very short rough runways and can carry a silly amount of smart bombs, guided missiles plus of course that beast of gun that can fire depleted uranium shells. It has been upgraded continually and they have plenty of them.
The US refused stating they would be cannon fodder to Russian air defences as they as so slow, this may be the case, who knows.
It has legendary status among ground troops and the challenge was set to show what can replace it, hence why its still in service as simply nothing else like it.

About the only thing it has in common with the Su-25 is the titanium bath tub that protects the pilot the A10 fly's slower and has that massive gun if the bombs, rockets and missiles don' take out the target.

Yes utterly useless against a missile attack, but they way its built it can fly shot to pieces and has so many redundancies that they nearly always get home.

Think the real reason is as A US only plane, arming Ukraine with may escalate the conflict.
The big game changer in Ukraine is the small off the shelf drones they are expendable as they are cheap so volume of numbers means they are effective when jury rigged with high explosives.
Are NATO nations ready for use of this stuff at scale, both for and against?

I’ve wondered about what happens when you get to a point of having very small and cheap drones carrying a few hundred grams of explosives each.
That foxy can post a link from YouTube?
Brian, is that the best you can come up with? Farage warned against pandering to Ukraine which has proven to be true. Poke the bear and you will suffer the consequences. Ukraine has been a pawn in the game, any sensible person would agree with that. Are you so far left Brian that you can't acknowledge what is happening here?
Brian, is that the best you can come up with? Farage warned against pandering to Ukraine which has proven to be true. Poke the bear and you will suffer the consequences. Ukraine has been a pawn in the game, any sensible person would agree with that. Are you so far left Brian that you can't acknowledge what is happening here?
I would say I am to the left of you Brian
Brian, is that the best you can come up with? Farage warned against pandering to Ukraine which has proven to be true. Poke the bear and you will suffer the consequences. Ukraine has been a pawn in the game, any sensible person would agree with that. Are you so far left Brian that you can't acknowledge what is happening here?
Won't the bear get hungry even if left alone?