Electric cars.

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The reality is that there will be a mix of different powertrains going forward. Battery EV's have their place as do hybrids and good old ICE is not going away no matter how hard politicians try to rig things to coerce people and take away their freedom of choice. The reality is that ICE cars running on synthetic sustainable fuels is the optimal solution if there were to be a one solution for all. The fuel can be manufactured from renewable energy sources, transported via existing and conventional fossil fuel infrastructure, can be used in current cars avoiding making millions of cars obsolete overnight, and avoids all the problems of mass battery manufacture, massive global transfer of technology and manufacturing power to China which is a huge security risk that most people seem to ignore or not recognise as a problem.
The oil companies have spent over $2bn on EV propaganda. They use AI to generate headlines.
Utter nonsense. Oil companies are investing hundreds of billions of pounds inventing new renewable and clean technologies to enable net zero. They are key to achieving net zero and demonising them is shooting yourself in the foot.
Why didn't LPG take off i remember it being installed in a garage here and a few installers popped up but it flopped.
LPG is a classic example of a lost opportunity. Gas is alot alot alot cleaner than oil. The US has seen huge CO2 emissions reduction over recent years and it's mostly from their transition from oil to shale gas. Moving to LPG for cars would be a very beneficial interim step and relatively low cost.

Sure you dont get the same energy density from gas....Think people I knew that had dual fuel cars had an LPG tank of around 50 litre capacity, which got them about 150 - 200 miles vs 450 - 500 miles out of about 65 litres of diesel (though my old BMW M2 got about 200 miles from 65 litres) so very manageable for most people. Fill up time, which is what is really important to people, was similar to that of petrol/diesel, cost was comparable.

But I maintain the optimal initial solution for cars is sustainable fuels. We have the technology already, just needs scaling up and productionising (where the 'big bad' oil companies come in), is already being implemented in very very small and niche scales, doesn't consign current global supply chains and cars and infrastructure to the scrap heap overnight, and will provide an indefinitely sustainable transition to whatever technology wins out in the future, wether that be battery EV, hybrid, hydrogen or whatever else. Pushing for battery tech at the pace we are will cause (and is cuasing) such a CO2 debt it will take centuries to pay off once we achieve net zero and cost so much money causing such a devastating affect on our global economic growth that it will be far more harmful to human life and the environment than if we did nothing at all. It's a path that is being pushed by politicians for political reasons, not engineers and scientists charged with fixing a problem - which is what engineers and scientists do well and politicians don't do well at all.