Electric cars.

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The reality is that there will be a mix of different powertrains going forward. Battery EV's have their place as do hybrids and good old ICE is not going away no matter how hard politicians try to rig things to coerce people and take away their freedom of choice. The reality is that ICE cars running on synthetic sustainable fuels is the optimal solution if there were to be a one solution for all. The fuel can be manufactured from renewable energy sources, transported via existing and conventional fossil fuel infrastructure, can be used in current cars avoiding making millions of cars obsolete overnight, and avoids all the problems of mass battery manufacture, massive global transfer of technology and manufacturing power to China which is a huge security risk that most people seem to ignore or not recognise as a problem.
The oil companies have spent over $2bn on EV propaganda. They use AI to generate headlines.
Utter nonsense. Oil companies are investing hundreds of billions of pounds inventing new renewable and clean technologies to enable net zero. They are key to achieving net zero and demonising them is shooting yourself in the foot.

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