I also use the co2 type injector kegs now, perfect pint every time in fact i have 25 now sod all that bottling :lol:
Got the party star deluxe for Xmas, plus another three that needed emptying first, so I'm up to six! Think I'd be homeless if I had 25.
Do you chill all of yours in the fridge first? Some of the English ales taste better at room temp I think, but wondered how the tap copes? Guess I could use the in built tap and no pressure for those beers.
Cheers Steve. I can't fit them in the fridge without removing a shelf.
I did buy one of those freezer keg jackets, but not used it yet to know if it works. I do like my hoppy US ones cold. Trying to convince SWMBO to let me have a fridge in the spare room.
Wonder if they work:-? where did you get it from Hops :thumb:
Leyland Home Brew do them here.
The stuff inside it is blue, so I guess it's like the freezer blocks you put in your cool box to keep it cold. I suspect it's meant to keep an already cold keg cool, rather than cool one down. The sections aren't that large, so would melt quite quickly I think.
If all else fails, I'll get a large ceramic plant pot to put it in and pack it with freezer blocks and ice.
Oh worth a punt for that sort of money! if all else fails drink quicker :rofl:
The party star is great, but why cant they give you a adapter to use with the 8g bulbs as it would seem you can only get nitrogen in 8g not 16g
Anyway on that subject i have 3 taps now and often wondered what my ales would be like one with Co2 the other with Nitrogen
So i have access to many different machines at work and decided to make a adapter, it works great with the 8g bulbs will i use it though after i run out of gas probably not unless i start making more stouts or guinness type ales,
If I want to use 8g bulbs in the past iv wrapped electrical tape around them and packed it into the cartridge
Ive read somewhere to go 1/3rd of bottling sugar for minikegs and then other places read use 1/2 like you mention - I'd normally use 4.5g per litre for bottling and ale so somewhere between 10g-12g sounds about right.
Let me know how your 12.5g per keg works out for carbonation level.
I broached my first keg this eve and REALLY like the action of pouring from a tap from a keg - much better than a bottle where you have to make sure you dont pour the yeast into your glass
I was under the impression a keg would somehow carbonate 'more' than a bottle at 2.5g/L but it doesn't seem to be the case. I don't mind 2.5g/L but I much prefer my usual bottle carbonation level of 5g/L. Will have to do a bit of research to see if carbing a mini keg at 5g/L will be ok or will blow it up/deform it.
I will try electrical tape for n20 as I prefer stouts
I broached my first keg this eve and REALLY like the action of pouring from a tap from a keg - much better than a bottle where you have to make sure you dont pour the yeast into your glass