dave_77 Brewdays- 2023 and beyond

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Kegged the British Pils, liked the hop profile of Pioneer and Godiva on the sample..finished at 5.3%
That will be in the freeze at 1c now for 3 weeks and then a further week in the kegerator. Gave it a large dose of Brausol so hopefully that will clear up over the coming weeks.
This weekend brewed a English IPA with old school and new school hops. Challenger for bittering and Jester and Admiral for late and dry hops.
I only had one packet of MJ liberty bell so used US05 to top up the yeast count.


Kegged the English IPA today, hops are Jester ,
Admiral and Challenger.. Finished at 1.009 for 5.8% .
Really nice colour, flavours were citrus, berry and pear. I like it so far, wanted it clear so I added gelatine to the fermenter a couple of days ago and looks to have done the trick.
In the lagering chamber until a space in the kegerator comes free.
Had a midweek work/brewday this week.

Brewed latest hoppy Belgian pale. This one is hopped with Styrian Wolf, kazbek, Spalter for dry hops and WP. Used brewers gold & Perle for bittering. Yeast blend is T-58 & CML 5.
All lager malt with 9% wheat malt and 9% Spelt.
Brewed at the weekend.

This weekend was a low abv American pale inspired by Tracks Sonoma Pale ( hops are Mosiac, Citra and Centennial .
Aiming for around 4% and will have a 9g/l dry hop.
Also Kegged my latest Taras Boulba inspired Belgian Pale. This one is hopped with Styrian Wolf, Kazbek & Spalter Select.
Tasted good out of the fermenter so fingers crossed a couple of weeks in the lagering chamber.
November update
Started drinking my latest American pale 4.3% hopped with Mosiac, Citra & Centennial. I like the hop profile but maybe a little dry for the ABV..think I prefer the previous pales mouthfeel at 4.9%.

Kegged my latest brew which was bit of a user upper. Wanted a sub 5% golden ale type beer but a blend of German and noble style American citrus hops. Boil hops were Herkules and Perle and late and dry hops were adeena, Ella, Talus & Athanum.. easy drinking floral citrus style beer
Brewed American Brown last night which went to plan finishing 1pt over target at 1.055. hops are Chinook and Idaho 7 hotside and will have Idaho 7 &. Columbus dry hop. Yeast - CML beoir

I didn't manage to gather RO for this brew but I had 5 litres of Ashbek so decided that as a darker beer wouldnt need as much acid to sort the Kentish water
Kegged my previous latest brew(as I'm brewing tonight?)

Belgian pale again but this one is based on BJCP style guidelines so more malty than my usual.

Came out pretty much spot on to previous versions at 4.9%. new yeast combo of Lallemand Abbaye & CML 5.. seemed good on tasting so looking forward to see how it conditions.

Hops were Perle & Tettnang

Brewing tonight ...got the tunes on. Could be time to pour a beer as we are half way through the boil.

West coast IPA hopped with Amarillo, Simcoe, Idaho 7 & Columbus.

Going for a slightly maltier version, using a higher EBC base malt 68%, lager malt 27% & 5% Vienna. Should be around 11-12EBC - 6% ABV - 55-60IBU
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Brewing tonight ...got the tunes on. Could be time to pour a beer as we are half way through the boil.

West coast IPA hopped with Amarillo, Simcoe, Nelson & Columbus.

Going for a slightly maltier version, using a higher EBC base malt 68%, lager malt 27% & 5% Vienna. Should be around 11-12EBC - 6% ABV - 55-60IBU
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Amarillo and Simcoe are a great pairing. Brewing my own westie on Saturday with them and Chinook.