Coopers, English Bitter

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May 7, 2015
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Hi guys first time brewer here is just put one of these coopers english bitter on for my first try at brewing add 500g light spraymalt along with 500g of dextrose pitched the yeast at 22c going of the temperature on the side fv it domed the lid after the first day and didn't seem to be getting any bubbles from the airlock so put one of my empty demijohns on top on the fv lid and been getting a steady bubbling when I've checked the temperature today it's sitting in-between 22-24c is this a good temp to ferment at? also it's only been fermenting since Saturday afternoon when I knocked the brewing up but seems to have slowed down today

Does this sound alright?

Thanks Les
I did a Coopers English Bitter recently, using exactly the same adjuncts as yourself. First it sounds like you may have a leaking FV lid; that's not a problem just a bit of a nuisance when you are trying to monitor the airlock. I have taken to sealing the rim of my FV with a layer of cling film after the initial fermentation has died down when there is no risk of the krausen touching the lid, and this seems to work fine sealing leaks. From an OG of about 1043, and at a brew temperature of about 20degC, I was surprised to be down to 1010 after five days, on day six it had not moved and looked finished so I racked it off to another FV to dry hop for a further four days. When I came to bottling it had cleared a lot and was still 1010.
If my experience is anything to go by I think your progress is about right especially that you are brewing at 22-24degC, which might be a bit on the high side for some. You should probably start checking for a finished fermentation from about days four or five. Leaving it in the FV for a few days after it's finished will do no harm, probably some good.
I did a Coopers English Bitter recently, using exactly the same adjuncts as yourself. First it sounds like you may have a leaking FV lid; that's not a problem just a bit of a nuisance when you are trying to monitor the airlock. I have taken to sealing the rim of my FV with a layer of cling film after the initial fermentation has died down when there is no risk of the krausen touching the lid, and this seems to work fine sealing leaks. From an OG of about 1043, and at a brew temperature of about 20degC, I was surprised to be down to 1010 after five days, on day six it had not moved and looked finished so I racked it off to another FV to dry hop for a further four days. When I came to bottling it had cleared a lot and was still 1010.
If my experience is anything to go by I think your progress is about right especially that you are brewing at 22-24degC, which might be a bit on the high side for some. You should probably start checking for a finished fermentation from about days four or five. Leaving it in the FV for a few days after it's finished will do no harm, probably some good.
Thanks terry for the quick reply my fv lid is airtight it just bowed up as if the airlock wasn't letting out the gases lol looked like it was gona explode so weighed the lid down with a empty demijohn and the airlock started working bubbling away like it should just the bubbling has slowed down a lot now and don't know if it's because of the temperature

I'll keep an eye on it over the next couple of days see how it's doing maybe do a hydrometer reading on Wednesday see what the progress is like

My og was 1.040 so I assume that I'm aiming for the 1.010 mark will keep you updated

Thanks Les
drifter, I did a Coopers English Bitter in February this year, I did it with 1kg Beer Enhancer and 454g of Lyons Golden syrup. I brewed it for two weeks at 21c using Wilko Gervin yeast, OG:1050 - FG:1003. I dry hopped with 25g of Aramis hops for five days before bottling and I bottled it with 1/2 tsp of sugar per 500ml bottle. I bottled it on 07/02/15 and I do have four bottles put aside to try on 07/06/15 the four month mark (can't wait). I have to say, what a cracking beer this was (notice past tense) because when a beer tastes this good it's never going to last. It's really drinkable, really early. I think I'd given it 11 days in the warm and then put a bottle in the fridge for two days and it lovely from that point on. It cleared really nicely, had a nice head that stayed down the glass and a deep red/brown colour. It was so nice that this Saturday when I take my Youngs Harvest Lime Lager down I'm putting another Coopers English Bitter on. It's really worth grabbing a couple when Tesco have their sale and they're £10.13 each.
drifter, I did a Coopers English Bitter in February this year, I did it with 1kg Beer Enhancer and 454g of Lyons Golden syrup. I brewed it for two weeks at 21c using Wilko Gervin yeast, OG:1050 - FG:1003. I dry hopped with 25g of Aramis hops for five days before bottling and I bottled it with 1/2 tsp of sugar per 500ml bottle. I bottled it on 07/02/15 and I do have four bottles put aside to try on 07/06/15 the four month mark (can't wait). I have to say, what a cracking beer this was (notice past tense) because when a beer tastes this good it's never going to last. It's really drinkable, really early. I think I'd given it 11 days in the warm and then put a bottle in the fridge for two days and it lovely from that point on. It cleared really nicely, had a nice head that stayed down the glass and a deep red/brown colour. It was so nice that this Saturday when I take my Youngs Harvest Lime Lager down I'm putting another Coopers English Bitter on. It's really worth grabbing a couple when Tesco have their sale and they're £10.13 each.
Nice one Larry think I'll have to write that recipe down in a brewers log so I can make it sometime also if your after the coopers english bitter a bit cheaper try wilko there selling them for £10 a pop

Thanks Les
Nice one Larry think I'll have to write that recipe down in a brewers log so I can make it sometime also if your after the coopers english bitter a bit cheaper try wilko there selling them for £10 a pop

Thanks Les

You had my hopes up there Drifter. The Wilko Website has the English Bitter at £14.00. Maybe they are cheaper in store?

I made a keg of the English Bitter about a month ago. It is still maturing but seems very promising. I made mine as a 2.5% 3% table beer just for knocking back by only adding a small amount of Muntons BE (125grams) to the single can and brewed it to 23 litres. I like a nice keg of weak beer in the garage for slaking my thirst during dinner so I can still walk about afterwards.... :)

Doing this makes a perfectly acceptable drink for weekdays. I have my 6% AG brew ready for bottling this morning.
You had my hopes up there Drifter. The Wilko Website has the English Bitter at £14.00. Maybe they are cheaper in store?

I made a keg of the English Bitter about a month ago. It is still maturing but seems very promising. I made mine as a 2.5% 3% table beer just for knocking back by only adding a small amount of Muntons BE (125grams) to the single can and brewed it to 23 litres. I like a nice keg of weak beer in the garage for slaking my thirst during dinner so I can still walk about afterwards.... :)

Doing this makes a perfectly acceptable drink for weekdays. I have my 6% AG brew ready for bottling this morning.
Hi Tony yes I've just been on there website and it is cheaper in store as I was only there on Saturday and all there coopers kits were marked at a tenner

I'm the sort of lad who will drink just about anything lol and I'll be happy if mine comes out at 4-5% mark we'll see

Enjoy your bottling today and have fun

That recipe sounds like something I may try, I still have a Coopers English Bitter kit unopened from Xmas.
Just a couple of questions, why did you replace the coopers yeast?
Which beer enhancer did you use ? and how hoppy was the final result (I'm not a fan of big hop flavours)

drifter, I did a Coopers English Bitter in February this year, I did it with 1kg Beer Enhancer and 454g of Lyons Golden syrup. I brewed it for two weeks at 21c using Wilko Gervin yeast, OG:1050 - FG:1003. I dry hopped with 25g of Aramis hops for five days before bottling and I bottled it with 1/2 tsp of sugar per 500ml bottle. I bottled it on 07/02/15 and I do have four bottles put aside to try on 07/06/15 the four month mark (can't wait). I have to say, what a cracking beer this was (notice past tense) because when a beer tastes this good it's never going to last. It's really drinkable, really early. I think I'd given it 11 days in the warm and then put a bottle in the fridge for two days and it lovely from that point on. It cleared really nicely, had a nice head that stayed down the glass and a deep red/brown colour. It was so nice that this Saturday when I take my Youngs Harvest Lime Lager down I'm putting another Coopers English Bitter on. It's really worth grabbing a couple when Tesco have their sale and they're £10.13 each.
Right guys I've just done a gravity reading and it's showing a gravity of 1.004 but still bubbling every minute or so and it's already starting to clear a little bit I've just gave it a light stir and put the lid back on with the airlock and it's just bubbling every minute or so again

I've had a little taste of the gravity sample and wow tastes like beer looks like beer and smells like beer going to check in a couple more days to see what the gravity says then but looking good
Right guys I've just done a gravity reading and it's showing a gravity of 1.004 but still bubbling every minute or so and it's already starting to clear a little bit I've just gave it a light stir and put the lid back on with the airlock and it's just bubbling every minute or so again

I've had a little taste of the gravity sample and wow tastes like beer looks like beer and smells like beer going to check in a couple more days to see what the gravity says then but looking good

Did you say you put it on yesterday?
Did you say you put it on yesterday?
No mate I brewed it up on Saturday if it's nearly done I'll be well impressed i checked the reading 3-4 times on Saturday at the start and checked it 3-4 times today the reading is definitely 1.004 and going by my hydrometer instructions it sounds like I'm aiming for the 1.000 I could be wrong but hopefully I'm right

Starting gravity was 1.040

Also the coopers instructions say that it can take 4 days at a higher temp to ferment out or 7 days at a temp of 21c

Sounds a bit quick to get that low (but might be wrong I know coopers yeast goes really quick).. that is probably as low as you'd want it to go.. I actually have never had a beer go that low. but you never know it could be your hyrometer is a bit out anyway.

Either way I would leave especially if it is still bubbling. DO you plan to bottle or keg
Sounds a bit quick to get that low (but might be wrong I know coopers yeast goes really quick).. that is probably as low as you'd want it to go.. I actually have never had a beer go that low. but you never know it could be your hyrometer is a bit out anyway.

Either way I would leave especially if it is still bubbling. DO you plan to bottle or keg
I know bud it does sound a bit quick it's normally 7 to 10 days that the average is I was expecting 1.020 range this early on but that reading was took at about the 22c mark also my fv seems to off cooled down to the touch was warmish when it was at it vigorous fermentation (bubbling stage)

I'm bottling bud but won't be till Friday/weekend as buying some glass bottles on Friday when I get payed

I am racking of in to a fv with a tap on so will be sitting in that for a few days to clear up a bit let some of the yeast drop out then will bottle with one carbonation drop as putting in to 500ml bottles I just don't want it mega fizzy as others have previously used 1 1/2 and been to fizzy

What's your thoughts?

Well if you want it to clear up and drop out I wouldn't think about bottling , especially after a week..

I would like I say leave it at least another week and bottle next weekend..

Oh when you say you're racking via a tap, make sure it doesn't splash it will need to be transferred very gently.. (do you usually stick from tubing so it goes to the bottom of the secondary vessel?
Better to leave it 2 weeks in the FV. You will get a cleaner beer into the bottle. And it's conditioning all the time it's in the FV, it's not lost time.
Well if you want it to clear up and drop out I wouldn't think about bottling , especially after a week..

I would like I say leave it at least another week and bottle next weekend..

Oh when you say you're racking via a tap, make sure it doesn't splash it will need to be transferred very gently.. (do you usually stick from tubing so it goes to the bottom of the secondary vessel?
I will do bud I'll be transferring with a autosyphon into the bottom of the secondary fv using the syphontube then will be using the little bottler from either the tap or stick it in the end of the syphon to minimise any sediment being transferred not decided yet

I'm all new to this remember lol

That recipe sounds like something I may try, I still have a Coopers English Bitter kit unopened from Xmas.
Just a couple of questions, why did you replace the coopers yeast?
Which beer enhancer did you use ? and how hoppy was the final result (I'm not a fan of big hop flavours)

Brewed, what I tend to do is use an 11g pack of Wilko's Gervin yeast on one brew and I save the Coopers yeast. The next time I brew a Coopers beer I then double up on the yeast and use two packs. I just find that between the two packs of yeast (or the 11g in the Wilko Gervin yeast) and a tsp of yeast nutrient it has always, so far, kicked the fermentation process off really well for me. Usually I'll have airlock activity within 12 hours or so. As I always give it a full two weeks in the FV, a really good start means that after two weeks the yeast has really cleaned up all the fermentable material in the FV and I believe this helps produce a clearer beer. I'm sure there are others on here who can go into that in greater detail about that than a newby like me.

I've been using Youngs Beer Enhancer, 50% spray malt and 50% dextrose. When Tesco have their sale they sell the 1kg bags for £3.75, so I bulk buy while they're cheap.

As for the hoppy flavour, it wasn't that strong but it did have a lovely hoppy aroma as you will get with dry hopping. For a strong hop flavour I'd suggest a hop tea when you're brewing. Different hops will suit different beers so choose your hop accordingly, I put 10-15g in a small mesh bag and I boil it for 20 mins and now I've started adding the hop tea and the bag of hops to the FV for the full two weeks. I'm waiting to see how that comes out, but I'm leaning more towards lightly hopping the kits as they will already have a hop profile and it's easy to over do it. What I did find that worked for me was to lightly hop a lager that ended up as a very light and fizzy lager/ale that I absolutely love. Good luck with it Brewed I'm sure you'll love that Coopers English Bitter what ever you decide to do with it.
just funished my coopers english bitter, using 12mg nottingham yeast, medium spraymalt,teabag of fuggles, 10 days in primary, then dry hopped 100g fuggles in secondry, now in 2lt pet bottles conditioning, taste is great and will be deffo doing this coopers kit again.

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