Cheeky Vimto

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cheers marrsy its your recipe im doing
ive not gathered how to use this hydrometer or should i say read this hydrometer right , i mean 2 lines under 60 aint the correct way of interpreting the reading

would 2 lines under 60 on hydrometer be
1.062 or 1.064
Normally, (well, the limited amount of hydrometers ive seen!) each line is two, i would make that at 1056?
the two lines i mean davey are on the other side of 60 (going towards 70)
so does it make it 1062 or 1056
and more to the point am i going to get a good strengh?
Ah, i see.

I would make that 1064. :cheers:

According to the calculator on this site (top left of the title banner) , if your brew comes down to 1000 it would be 8.5% :party:
ok thats good and around what i was hoping it to be thanks ,
can somone tell me if its fermenting ok .about half of the top of the demijonis full of a slight froth but most of the yeast layer seems to be at the bottom and im getting a bubble at around every two mins, ive read a few post from people saying theres is going like the clappers
but one bubble every 2 mins isnt like the clappers or is it ?
its been breweing since about 4 pm so about 16 hours,
should i stir it or just leave it ,
If there is one thing ive learned since ive been posting here its to have patience!

The fact that you are getting some airlock activity is a good sign. Ive heard a few people saying its going like the clappers but ive also heard plenty saying that it takes a while to get going.

Sit tight and im sure that it will be ok! :cheers:
i was worrying it wasnt working right but now its starting to cover the whole surface at the top and bubbles a little faster . a watched pot never boils as they say . ill sit back down now relax watch me bubbles and wait to reap the benefits lol
i started a brew on the 7th oct it was a slow start or i thought it was but i was informed to be patient and i have and for the last few days its been bubbling every 3 seconds , all the yeast cleared of the top and all was left was little gassy type bubbles like when you open a bottle of pop and still blop blop blop every 3 seconds .
tonight when i get home from work its like in the pics bellow,the little gassy bubbles still there but they now have a big layer of yeast over the top again bust still blop every 3 seconds. is that normal ? will the yeast disperse again ?
It has never frothed up that badly for me a second time, did you add anything between the first and second time of it frothing up ?

Give it a day or two and report back with what your brew is doing.
Mine had a frth that never disappeared. :roll:

Marrsy had suggested that i may not have boiled the Vimto enough which makes sense.

It still tastes lovely so i chose to let it ferment out and have now transferred it to a secondary to get rid of the crap on top. I'll check it again maybe tomorrow and if it has definately stopped i shall bottle.
Marrsy86 said:
did you add anything between the first and second time of it frothing up ?

no i havent added anything at all marrsy not since the airlock went on , it seemed to be doing really good ,mind you it did have a table spoon of yeast, pectolase and nuitrient from the start

i see how it goes over the next couple of days but i guess it not looking good

Davey H said:
Mine had a frth that never disappeared. :roll:

Marrsy had suggested that i may not have boiled the Vimto enough which makes sense.
did yours not clear from the start,

froth all the way through, even when it was slowing down. Its been in the secondary since Saturday minus the froth so we'll see if it clears or not.

Marrsy, could i add finnings to assist in clearing?
Did you add a teaspoon or a tablespoon of yeast?
i added a tablespoon of yeast , a tablespoon of pectolase and tablespoon of nuitriant due to a typo in recipe i followed
I'm no expert but that might be the problem. I would guess that a tablespoon may be too much but i'm not sure how else it will affect your brew. Maybe someone a little more experienced could advise? :thumb:

Have you tasted it?

Mine tastes fine so i wouldnt sling it just yet!
Putting a table spoon in shouldn't cause any problems mate. Just let ferment out and taste it seems like some of the Vimto brews have a fair amount of froth.
marrsy tonight when i got home its still got a ring around the demijon but all the throthy stuff that was over the surface has nearly all dispersed, its still going strong bubbling away , the ring will stay as that seems to be stuck to the sides but smelling, tasting good although still a little sweet
thanks for your help.
next is wow and vimto wine
Bottled the Tropic Thunder and Pineapple Delight today, 8.5% and 8.7% respectively.

They taste lovely!! :thumb: