Charges Be brought

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evanvine said:
Who the hell has been naughty and who is going to be stoned, or doesn't it matter?

I think the original post is from last Friday when I told GA and PD I was drinking Coors, so I think It's me ! :tongue:
My back is turned for 5 minutes and this court descends into Monty Python one liners. :nono: :nono:

I need to go and find another offender I will be back..............

Be afraid be very afraid as i am watching. :twisted: :twisted:
abeyptfc said:
evanvine said:
Who the hell has been naughty and who is going to be stoned, or doesn't it matter?

I think the original post is from last Friday when I told GA and PD I was drinking Coors, so I think It's me ! :tongue:

Abs it was from last saturday originally but the calling for stoning was for your second offence regarding a bottle of Bo*rbon and the non Queens English spelling of Whisky with an E

Charges have been dropped and you are free to leave the court...........
what would this world be like without our intrepid Sheriff.....................sighs....

:whistle: :whistle:
graysalchemy said:
your second offence regarding a bottle of Bo*rbon and the non Queens English spelling of Whisky with an E

Charges have been dropped and you are free to leave the court...........

I guess leniency is allowed at Christmas, but I still say stone him.... stone him..... in a very squeaky voice. :clap: :party: :party: :party:
My lords ladies and gentle heathens...I submit to this court pictoral evidence of a crime which has yet to be committed :shock: :tongue: In my defence swimbo kindly went to the shops today :shock: :shock: and on her return, apart from swearing she could kill some trolley pushers, she emptied the contents of the shopping bag to reveal said image

I'm ashamed to admit it but among the fine brews present is a mass produced lager....which I have to say I quite like...on occasion :drink: I throw myself on the courts mercy, but fully expect to be dealt with in the appropriate manner :lol:

DICOAF....drunk in charge of a forum....give it your best shot :twisted:
I say he should be stoned at dawn. Stone him... Stone him................... But as I will be otherwise engaged (on another stoning) and it is Christmas I say leniency should be given, and in his defence it was SWMBO who purchased said banned substance.

Err....... that was before I noticed three, and that was three bottles of San Miguel, so I leave this up to the other brethren to decide on the most appropriate death.
Oh dear....the rot goes deep.

However the Court notices the articles were an unasked for present and as such the recipient can't be held responsible for the purchase, and the defendants early submission of a guilty plea will be taken into consideration by the Court.

However....... :hat: puts cap on..... it is also noticed that the defendant admits to actually liking the said brew and even drinks it occasionally....

fans forehead with his hat...

oh my on my.... The Great Vossey a bootlegger a consumer of unwholesome beverages... ... whatever next... I could not be more surprised if it be made known that the beer god Wez, may he live forever... had taken a directorship at Coors breweries. or employment as a Fos***s driver.

I must consult with my sheriff. Court adjourned for reports....
I could not be more surprised if it be made known that the beer god Wez, may he live forever... had taken a directorship at Coors breweries. or employment as a Fos***s driver.
and when was the last time you saw a brew day post from HRH Wez :hmm: ....almost or maybe longer ago than me...that's my defence of his honour, as, other than going T total, I see no option other than to buy banned alcoholic beverages :lol:
I have a confession. My son is drinking Rolling Rock as we speak. In his defence he states that it tastes better than Bud!!!!!!!!! Please be lenient, but he did buy it with his own money so I will understand....... I only left him alone for a few minutes in Asda.
As in all religions, you don't have to see the Boss man rolling his sleeves up and doing manual is enough to know he is there....

and please do not compound your crimes with ones of Heresy. Otherwise I get a bit peeved and tetchy.

The Court is of a mind also to investigate the actions of SWMBO Vossy in this affair..... :twisted:

Bobsbeer....the Court couldn't give a monkeys toot what non forum members do in the privacy of their homes....... :D we have enough with the antics of forum members !
the little titter was heard running around the Court and was immediately thrown out....

ya can't beat the old jokes !
But your honour I am having to witness such depravity in the sanctity of my own home. I have told him he needs to drinks such piss in the backyard, but it pains me to witness such.... and not use up my store of stones......which are being saved for a more deserving stoning.

That of drinking Stella!!!!!!!
If all these awful lagers are worthy of a stoning what do we do with John Smith's drinkers, I would say hung, drawn and quartered.
you should have considered that when you decided to procreate. You should have gone for Gerbils instead.....
Control this spoilt fruit of your loins immediately, for your sins you are ordered to feed him from your own stocks of home brew until his soul is cleansed and he has learned enlightenment.
I doth contest some mass produced lagers are better than others....sounds like a Morrisey song :lol: ...some lagers are better than others :roll: for John Smiths, I agree DK :P
ou should have considered that when you decided to procreate. You should have gone for Gerbils instead.....
:rofl: :rofl: